Jeff Pearl's Local VA and MD Blog

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Real Estate Agent - Samson Properties / LIC in VA



Ok, I have Sentrilock account as do most agents in this area. I have never been able to bring myself to activate the FREE automates feedback request system, mainly because most agents don't like receiving 3 feedback requests any more than they like receiving 3 calls on their cell phone from a mar...
About every 1-2 weeks I get a call or email similar to this one I just received today. Sometimes it's a "buyer" with a similar bs hardship, sometimes it's from an agent working with an " investor" or a buyer fishing for somewhere to throw their low ball line and bobber while fishing for suckers. ...
I recently received a call from an owner asking me if I could find a buyer for his vacation house. He said he needed a buyer soon or bank was going to foreclose. He gave me address so I could research price, market, etc. He said had been trying to sell for a couple years, gave up, then rented it ...
I know many agents just don't  deal with closing gifts to buyers and sellers, but if a Title company handles your closings on a regular basis, ( and even if they make a few mistakes now and then doing those closings), do you send them some type of Thank You gift? If so, when should you send it? A...
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is testing two versions of mortgage disclosures to replace the current Good Faith Estimate. You can view the two options at One of these will become the new disclosure this Fall or Winter. Which one do you ...
Working Farm, 1870 Farm house expanded in mid 70s, 2 story bank barn, fenced, creek. 50 acres in Soy, 15 acres hay. Greta for cattle and/or crops. Already in land use for reduced taxes. 2010 total tax was $4025.00 House is 6 bedrooms, 2 full baths, propeane , well, septic, outbuildings, run in, m...

Jeff Pearl

Full Service Full Time Realtor
smartphone(703) 727-4876
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