Mortgage Knowledge at its BEST!!!! (Jeff Belonger)

Mortgage and Lending - Social Media - Infinity Home Mortgage Company, Inc
Just wanting to educate people: Always looking out for your best interest. In regards to lending, I am very creative, intuitive, honest, and one who communicates information, may it be good or bad. I am a loan officer that looks out for your best interest.
      Hey all.... many probably don't know me, for good reason. I haven't been on since December and prior to that, back in October or so when I wrote a post about Matthew Caulk, Missy Caulk's son.Anyhoo... I first started out on AR in October of 2006 and basically got out of the mortgage busines...
    I am not on Active Rain much in the last 10 months, mainly because I started a new project that has taken all of my time away from hanging around in the 'Rain'. So I might not know many of you, but I started on AR on October 3rd, 2006. I do know this, that AR has been like a second family to ...
  Hey all.... I first started on Active Rain on October 3rd 2006... I haven't been around in the last 10 months or so like I use to. Been very busy on my new project, MyPhillyAlive .... And from day one, AR has been like a 2nd family to me and still think of them as that, plus all the friendships...
  Well, I know I had updates at the bottom and had to post the 11:30 am update up top, since it was great news... not sure what to do with this update now... but this is an update from about 30 minutes ago... 11/19/11  12:10 am From Christa...   "I'd like to keep you all updated on Jamie Caulk. A...
  Halloween in Philadelphia - Spooky attractions & events in Philadelphia   Halloween in Philadelphia is fun, yet can be a frightening times. The history in Philadelphia is intriguing enough, but did you know all the spooky and scary stories that involve Philadelphia's history? I found it very in...
  The Liberty Bell – Philadelphia, PA       The History of Philadelphia can be so amazing and intriguing. Learning about the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania can be an eye opener, because stories can get twisted as they are passed through generations. As I have gotten older, I really en...
    Active Rain has changed so much since I first started in October of 2006. I remember the membership to be around 6,000 or so. Now it's up over 213,000 people. Many of you might not know who I am because my blogging has slowed down considerably in 2011 and so has my overall participation. Seve...
Realtors should know basics about Mortgages in New Jersey– Especially FHA Mortgages   When it comes to realtors giving in depth advice about mortgages, it does crawl under my skin. Some of you know this, and some of you disagree with me.  Some realtors think a realtor should go as far as to pre-...
  I thought Inna Hardison was spot on, regarding regarding Klout and what your number means, especially as a realtor. I see many people focusing on this, especially some realtors... and I share the same opinion as Inna. Besides, if you spend too much time online, socializing with Facebook & Twitt...
Mortgage 101 in New Jersey – Getting to know the borrower’s wants and needs In today’s delicate world of mortgages in New Jersey and any where else, getting a mortgage not only takes understanding, but patience. I am still finding many loan officers trying to fit that round peg into that square ...

Jeff Belonger

The FHA Expert - FHA Loans - FHA mortgages - USDA loans - VA Loans
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I just want to educate people about mortgages and the process. In regards to lending, I am very creative, intuitive, honest, and one who communicates information, may it be good or bad. I am a loan officer that looks out for your best interest.