Why Is Indoor Air Quality Such A Concern With So Many Agencies And Organizations? I've heard a lot of people ask that question. Since January has been designated National Radon Awareness Month, I've heard a lot of people (some of them real estate agents) talking that this is all hype. So, why is
I was at a relative's house when I noticed a hole in the wall... the door stop had long since failed, and there was a rather large hole in the drywall, courtesy of my overzealous nephews opening the door too quickly. I made a mental note of the problem and returned this week with a new door stop
Golfing In North Korea Hmmm. I like to travel, but I'm not sure this would be a fantastic trip for the over-worked Real Estate Professional... International sanctions have severely limited North Korea’s access to hard currency, to the point that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea tried to
Wow. I've heard a lot of crazy theories, and sifted through a lot of BS in my life. But this latest one is easily one of the best: a new "study" shows that climate change contributed to the decline and fall of the Roman Empire. From Reuters.com: Climate change seems a factor in the rise and fall
Well, if it is snowing outside, we may as well enjoy it. And what better way to do enjoy the snow than go sledding? Especially if a nice mug of hot chocolate follows the late night snow trip! Hey, at least 2 out of 3 were having fun. #4 was busy trying to build a snowman.
Here is Mark Woodward's final piece explaining: why does the price of oak hardwood flooring vary? I've enjoyed Mark's series a lot, and if you have missed either part 1 or 2, I encourage you to read up! Without further ado... Here is part 3 of 3 - Why does oak hardwood flooring costs vary.
Where Is Radon Gas A Problem In Michigan? Hey, it is National Radon Awareness Month, so I may as well post about a question I hear often: Is radon gas a problem in Michigan? I don't like the question, because it isn't stated properly, since this tasteless, odorless, colorless gas is produced by t
Older Michigan Homes and Asbestos Asbestos is a mineral fiber that was added to a variety of products to strengthen them and to provide heat insulation and fire resistance. Due to health concerns, most products manufactured nowadays do not contain asbestos... but it hasn't been banned -- some pr
Window Bars: Safety Device Or Deadly Trap? Window bars are installed to prevent bad guys from entering a home or building, but they may also cause unintended consequences by slowing or preventing egress in an emergency. People die every year in fires where escape is hindered by window bars, and a
The Long-term Effects of Asbestos Exposure in Michigan We've known for decades that inhaled asbestos fibers cause disease. Now we are at a rate of ten thousand Americans passing away each year -- that is almost 30 deaths per day -- from diseases caused by asbestos. At least that is what a detaile