A Northern Virginia Home Inspector's Perspective

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Home Inspector - Jay Markanich Real Estate Inspections, LLC - 3380-000723
How often should the HVAC filter be replaced or cleaned?The rule of thumb is once a month.Obviously there are months where temperatures are such that the unit does not get a lot of work. So during those months the filter would not need attention.But an air filter needs attention when it needs att...
Can composite decking rot?If you go to the composite manufacturer websites will tell you their products do not rot.If you search on line and find home repair websites, or forum websites, you will read that there are complaints all over the country.Personally I had never seen composite decking rot...
"All our houses are built strictly to code..."  Part 2.That was the focus of the previous post which considered the idea that we have been conditioned to accept a minimum standard in so many things.  And we have been conditioned to replace!Our computers, phones, most electronics, software, fashio...
"All our houses are built strictly to code..."That's what the young supervisor said to me and my clients when he showed up at the end of our pre-drywall inspection.Me - "Are you sure you want to say that?"Supervisor, smiling proudly - "Yes! We are very careful and the county checks us."Me - "Well...
This was a highly-touted, and new, hardwood floor.And it looked great everywhere!  It was a very professional job.Except in the powder room.The toilet wobbled.  And there was a hefty and dark stain behind and beside the base of the toilet.Since the floor was newly installed I had to think the toi...
This is a beautiful light fixture!  But don't forget the insulation!This is new construction.  The entry way featured an open ceiling with a circular, wrapping staircase leading to an upper level hallway that serviced all the bedrooms.A very attractive, hand-painted globe was in the ceiling.And t...
This is the most attractive clean out port cover I have ever seen!A local builder who designs and sells only a couple of houses a year hires me to do inspections when the houses near completion.  He considers it to be another layer of protection for him, and peace of mind for his buyers.In a base...
This is the clogged peek-a-boo dryer exhaust vent opening - and dangerous!I had to search for it.  Knowing it was behind the house it took a minute to locate it.But there it was, the clogged peek-a-boo dryer exhaust vent.The underside of the deck was covered with a plastic lattice work material.W...
The addendum list of requested repairs said, "Insulation to be evaluated and improved by a licensed contractor."In the previous years this homeowner had done many home improvements with less-than-stellar results.  At the inspection I said it was my opinion that the homeowners really thought they ...
New construction inspection - would you like to take a bath here?I do a lot of pre-drywall and then final inspections on new construction.  And it is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY.  We never know what we will find.On every inspection I do a sweep with my thermal camera.  Mighty Mo is great at finding miss...

Jay Markanich

Home Inspector - servicing all Northern Virginia
local_phone(703) 330-6388
smartphone(703) 585-7560
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An experienced home inspector's look at current home inspection events and conditions along with his useful recommendations.