This year is the year of Purples, Granny Smith Apple Green and Turquoise. In the past it has been Reds, Melons/Orange,Teal Blue with Brown etc. These colors are fun and new and a great way to update up your decor. But when you are updating keep in mind that you may want to Sell before you upda...
Kathy Streib has written an excellent post. No matter where we live it seems we tend to neglect the garage area when preparing a home for sale. Just like the rest of the house, the garage should show a clear purpose. Using it for overflow from the house tells your buyers your home lacks storage....
You are about to sell your home. You know it's just a great place ... after all you live there. As a Seller you need to think about those visual messages your home is telegraphing to viewers. Most of my clients are surprised to hear what their house is saying. They have never looked at it that w...
Donna Bacher, a Hamilton Realtor, tells it like it is! As a Burlington Stager, I deal with this issue on a regular basis. It is important to keep the Buyer's focus on the positive features of the home. Clean and Clutter are two of the five 'C's of staging. Give the Buyer room in your house to i...
Curb appeal is what gets the Buyer out of the car. It is also forms the first impression of your home and reassures the Buyer your home is well maintained. That is why Curb Appeal is still important even in the depths of winter. Sellers feel the garden is dormant and there is nothing to be done. ...
As a Burlington Home Stager, I'd have to say the biggest mistake Sellers make is not seeing their home has become a PRODUCT. They fail to make the shift from 'home' to 'house'. Their home full of memories must become the 'house we owned on X street. Sellers must realize that the Buyers have no f...
Staging is photo friendly, no doubt about it. Let's face it those MLS photos are very important. Stats show that these days most Buyers start looking on the 'net'. First they narrow the search by area, number of rooms, type of home etc. Then they start looking at the homes that pop up. This ...
Many of us have beloved pets in our homes. Unfortunately selling your home causes upheaval in their lives as well as yours. Suddenly their surroundings may change as your prepare your home for sale. Strangers start entering their turf. For the dogs, it's not too bad because Mom or Dad take them...
I read a post by Gabrielle Kamahele with the phrase 'lipstick on a pig'. Her post wasn't what I expected. It was from a Realtor's perspective - about realtor and client interaction. Her post got me thinking. As a Burlington Stager, my mind automatically goes to a home's appearance when I hear th...