Janell Kittleson's Blog

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Real Estate Technology - Rentec Direct



I doubt I'll move here anytime soon, but I do fantasize about what my life would be like if I lived in this little Hobbit House in Wales... I'd probably eat dandelion greens and carve sticks into magical pieces of art and heat my home with a little wood stove that has a giant pot of soup simmerin...
Just because you can't understand what someone is trying to say, does that make it "wordless"?      For some reason, this video I took the other night in the dark on our little farm reminded me of how sometimes it can be difficult understanding what others are really trying to say to us, for exam...
I'm taken back.I just left a message for someone who had an office voice mail greeting that said..."Thank you for calling.  Please leave a message. And don't call back 7 times in a row and leave a message as it will not get us to call you back any quicker. And don't give your rent payment to Henr...
Last week over the holidays, old friends came to visit and while indulging in endless turkey and pumpkin pie, I asked how things were going with their rentals.  They rolled their eyes and said "Just terrible!"  Things haven't changed much for them.  Deadbeats trashing their houses, evictions, una...

Janell Kittleson

Rentec Direct
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