Despite the presence of the U.S. federal government's Home Affordability Modification Program (HAMP), more homes end up in repo homes list in Maryland. According to some market analysts, the program has a lot of problems and is not helping as many homeowners as it should. The initiative, analysts...
Some areas of California will need five more years before they can pull themselves out of the recession hole, according to some economists. The depth of the foreclosure problem and the huge number of lis pendens properties are believed to be primary factors that will affect how well the region wi...
Sales of residential properties, including Wachovia bank homes for sale, declined in Massachusetts in September 2010 compared with the same month of 2009. According to housing industry observers, the uncertain future of the nation's economy has made buyers wary of making any investment in residen...
Lists of foreclosures for sale work should be used like a compass, leading the way to excellent distressed properties. It is not enough that you have a subscription to a good online foreclosures listing service, you have to be able to capitalize on it and make it work to your advantage. Users sho...
Successful investors in home foreclosures share their experiences freely probably because while there is competition in the business, with the high volume of foreclosed properties there is more than enough to go around. The challenge for new buyers now is discerning good advice from marketing plo...
Fewer houses were sold at Sheriff sales during the July-September 2010 period in California compared with the same 2009 quarter, according to the latest housing industry data. Real estate observers have reported that the number of distressed properties in the state has dropped, although it remain...
Many property investors rely on online services to find government foreclosure listings. Most of these homes are sold under the Housing and Urban Development. Most of these government properties are offered primarily to low to average income households who will occupy the home. Before even browsi...
Richard Cordray, Attorney General of Ohio, recently stated that banks and lenders who used faulty documents in processing properties under foreclosed residential and commercial homes listings will not be allowed to get away with simply resubmitting corrected paperwork. Cordray recently sent lette...
Flipping properties used to be a profitable endeavor, particularly in areas with a lot of distressed properties for sale. However, even with cheap homes available by the thousands in some regions, buyers are mostly staying away, making the practice of home-flipping a not so attractive prospect an...
The number of home, commercial and apartment foreclosures for sale continues to rise in Cape Coral-Fort Myers, Florida during the 2010 third quarter, with the region posting the second highest rate of foreclosure in the whole U.S. compared with the current year's second quarter. Fort Myers and Ca...