I will be having an OPEN HOUSE on 688 Heritage Way in Hudson, WI on Saturday and Sunday 1-4 PMAspen Development presents...This fabulous custom two story is located in the spectacular community of Kelly Estates. Because this home includes living spaces for all of your needs from formal evenings
I have just updated my website at www.JacqueHoward.com!I would love for you to check it out.What you will find at http://www.jacquehoward.com/:Featured ListingInformation for BuyersInformation for SellersComplete MLS SearchInformation on Keller Williams RealtyFun FactsAbout the Jacque Howard Rea
You are Invited!Grand OpeningHors d'Oeuvres and Refreshments(Catered by Hudson Golf Club) Thursday, June 21, 20074:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M. 2424 Monetary BoulevardHudson, WI(corner of Carmichael and Hanley)Call for details 651-967-4101This is open to the public as well as the professional community! W