wes moore's (iplayerhd) Blog

Services for Real Estate Pros - iPlayerHD
Have you every wondered what the difference is between a bit and a byte or tried to understand the meaning of a kilobyte, megabyte or a gigabyte? Understanding each of these will help you understand video bitrates and video bandwidth which are relevant to anyone using any of the available video h...
Five years is a short period of time. Think for a moment how you ran your business in 2006. How much time did you spend in front of your computer or smart device using web technology to manage your business?  Unless you were writing code for a living, you didn't spend much time at all. Fast forwa...
At iPlayerHD, as the name would imply, much of the video content uploaded to our platform has, as it's source, high definition resolutions. Not surprisingly, much of the video uploaded is also standard definition.  There are still many folks shooting with older cameras and there is an abundance o...
As the Founder of a video hosting provider, I am often asked if we'll ever see support for video within an email. It's an interesting question without a safe answer. We view our email on desktop and laptop clients like Outlook and in browser-based clients like Gmail and GoDaddy, and on our smart ...

wes moore

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