Reuben's Home Inspection Blog

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Home Inspector - Structure Tech Home Inspections
Home inspection topics in the Minneapolis / Saint Paul area.
  If I'm going to write a blog about caulk, I need to get something out of the way first; it's pronounced kawk, not kallllk.  The "L" is silent, and the word rhymes with walk or talk.  If you're uncomfortable uttering this word aloud, try 'sealant' instead.  Moving on.     As we learned from Char...
  If you're buying a new construction home, get it inspected by a private home inspector. I could wax on and on about how important home inspections are for new construction, especially if the builder tells you that a private home inspection isn't necessary, but I've found that photos are far mor...
I love dimmer switches; I use them to control almost every light in my house.Installing a dimmer switch is a common enough DIY project, but like any other DIY project, I often find them installed improperly.  The most common problem I find is when dimmer switches are connected to a ceiling fan. ...
  One of the more awkward conversations that I had with a home seller this year dealt with a high radon test at his home in Minnesota.  We performed a radon test for the buyer, and the test came up high (over 4.0 pCi/L), so the buyer asked the seller to install a radon mitigation system.  The sel...
One of my least favorite chores in the kitchen has always been re-filling the built-in hand soap dispenser at my kitchen sink.  Through years of extensive research in to this matter, I've discovered that I'm not alone.  Approximately 57.3% of soap dispensers in the Twin Cities metro area remain u...
If you're buying a house in Minnesota and you want to have it tested for radon as part of your inspection contingency, here's a list of six items that the EPA says you should consider before you have the test conducted. Where the radon test will be located The radon test should be placed in the ...
  I’ve written about buyers attending the home inspection, and I’ve written about buyer’s agents attending the home inspection.  I’ve never written about home sellers attending the home inspection because I thought this was a no-brainer... but I received a lot of comments on a member-only post la...
  I've seen grown men act like sissies around little critters like mice, spiders, and leeches.  Not me though. I act like a sissy around wasps.  I get stung every year. This year it happened while I was inspecting a fireplace; I reached up inside the flue to close the damper, and a wasp stung me ...
  While it's still officially summer for another week, it's a good time to get started on your fall maintenance list.  It's much easier working on these projects while it's still pleasant outside; don't put these projects off until the first snow. This list was compiled by Delano Home Inspector D...
Have you ever wondered how different home inspectors can look at the same issue, yet have completely different ways of describing the situation and different calls to action? I’ve realized that I’m not even consistent about my own recommendations.  I’ve given a lot of thought to why this is, and...

Reuben Saltzman

Delivering the Unbiased Truth.
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Home inspection topics in the Minneapolis / Saint Paul area.