Another earthquake safety item in California are braces for the water heaters. The braces keep the water stationary during an earthquake to prevent the unit from falling over or from a gas line, water line or electrical line from breaking. Most people are familiar with earthquake braces and tha
I still don't see very many of them but there is a relatively new safety item called an automatic gas shut off valve. It is a valve that goes on your gas line, near the meter, that will automatically shut off in case of an earthquake (obviously a California issue). Here's what it looks like.The
Sometimes during a home inspection you get to see some very interesting things. I saw this from the roof. Nothing looked too unusual to me. It was overcast that morning.I then remembered that there was a pool but for some reason my calling center didn't have the extra fee for a pool. I was a
The other day I was looking at my camera and remembered I had a panoramic view option. So I was on a roof during an inspection and it had a beautiful view. So I thought, "Lets try that panoramic view option." It's pretty neat, you take up to 4 pictures and the camera "stitches" them together.
I came across this the other day during a home inspection. Air Conditioning condensers have a data plate which has various information on it. One part being the maximum and minimum breaker or fuse size allowed. This particular data plate indicated the minimum size was 30-amps and the maximum s
I couldn't help but think of Mary Poppins and good old Dick Van Dyke when writing a post about chimney vents. Unfortunately this is not a funny situation. The silver cylinder is the vent for the chimney. Of course fires burn in a fireplace and the combustion gases, heat and smoke come out of
Sometimes during a home inspection I see things that just make me laugh. I came across this and just had to share it with everyone. I guess the evaporative cooler was overworked and underpaid and just had to sit down and take a rest. We all need that every once in a while, right?
Well I encountered another one just last week. The infamous recalled horizontal attic furnace (isolated to California from what I've read). Here's the issue (in a nutshell):The Torrance Fire Department noticed they were going to fires that seemed to start in attics. They then realized that cer
That's a trick question of course (that is the second question). Retaining walls naturally retain water because the soil soaks it up. But have you really ever thought about how heavy water is? Think about how heavy a gallon of milk is (okay, I admit it, I don't know the actual equivalent of the
I saw this at a home inspection yesterday. So what's he problem? Look closely...The problem is that the window well is sloping towards the window, and not away. So what's that mean? That means that when it rains the water will run towards the window and possibly enter the house. Ouch! The ho