I know summer is pretty much over for school kids around here but it's still a good time to talk about pool safety. I will focus on one specific area of pool safety today: barriers. I will also focus one one specific type of barrier: chain link fences. Of course the purpose of a pool barrier i
I saw this a few months ago so I thought I'd share it with everyone. Okay, I'm not focusing here on the worn roof, the rusted air baffle or the dish cable. Can you see what else is wrong here? A hint: It has something to do with the air baffle. First of all, what is an air baffle? The air baff
I recently performed a home inspection at a home in Fontana at Sierra Lakes. I personally have golfed at Sierra Lakes and can tell you it's a nice course and a challenge to play. It is at the Foothills of the mountains and is just North of the 210 Freeway and East of the 15 Freeway, giving it e
I truly have been busy lately with the new baby, a growing business and now a new employee, a home inspector. Please help me to welcome Jimmy Zazueta as he joins Joseph Lang of Pillar To Post Professional Home Inspection. Jimmy and myself grew up as cousins. Though we're not blood related, our m
It is with great joy and pleasure I can announce the birth of my 4th child, and 1st daughter: Gianna Marie July 9, 2008 6-lbs., 13-oz. 19-in. long She's another blessing in my life and mommy and baby are doing well. As I reflect on the important things in life, there's nothing more improtant
Well... it finally happened... the big crash... I've heard of it many, many times but never have personally experienced it... until now. Old Betsy (I guess I'll call her), my computer, finally crashed. She's gone, nothing left of her, zip, zilch, nada, nothing. The hard drive crashed and everyt
I first want to apologize for the long break since my last blog. Well, actually I haven't had much of a break at all. I've been the busiest I've ever been and have little time left over after work and family. So of course my time for blogs also gets limited. However I want to announce that I h
Last month I had an owner call me and wanted me to inspect her house because she might be selling it down the road and because she had a bathroom remodeled and had some concerns. Luckily the worse of her concerns were not an issue, however, it reminded me of a point I wanted to share. When I ins
The other day I was at a home inspection and arrived early. I knocked on the door and asked the seller if I could start early. He was very nice and said yes. I always start on the roof, and that day was no different. It was a concrete tile roof and I have been trained to walk on and inspect t
The other day I inspected a house over 4,000 sq. ft. that had a crawlspace. I finished the inspection and was explaining the report to the buyer. Here are some of the items I found in the crawlspace. This support member was notched (where it meets the wall). Someone put in a concrete pier and