This is one of the more interesting items I've found during a home inspection. Take a close look... can you see the problem? And no, I'm not talking about the dust on the lens that caused some spots. It's not the guard rails or hand rails. Those are fine... Look at the little "walkway" t
The fact that many people have lost their homes to foreclosure is very sad. However, I just don't understand how some of these people think they're "getting back" at the lender by destroying their house. I've seen it way too many times. Do these people ever think that they are ruining a home t
My last blog was about safety and I'd like to continue with that theme again today. Tempered safety glass is another serious safety item in a house. This glass is like those in windshields of vehicles. It can break but is made and designed not to break into shards like typical glass. There ar
It's 2009, I wish everyone a blessed, joyous and prosperous year. One of my goals for 2009 is to blog more often, so I guess I'm off to a good start with my first blog of 2009. There are many aspects to a home inspection, but the one I take most to heart is occupant safety. I want everyone who
One of the most important items during a home inspection is the foundation. Most of the homes in my local area have a slab on grade foundation, which means there is a concrete slab on top of the soil. That means you cannot get underneath the foundation and most of it is not visible. You have t
Many times as home inspectors we have to piece together many clues we collect during a home inspection. We must always be alert and keep in mind what we have observed through out the inspection so we don't miss anyhting. Sometimes just looking at one item doesn't give the big picture. It takes
I came across this in July. Isn't that amazing! Okay, I'm kidding, I left out some vital information... The light switch is inside the shower... ouch! I'm not quite sure how inexperienced you have to be to do something like that. I guess there's just some generous contractors out there who re
Earlier in the summer I came across this in a crawlspace. The owner had replaced some plumbing so there were numerous trenches (about 2-3 feet deep) throughout the crawlspace. Some of the trenches were very close to the post and pier foundation supports, which was my concern. So I knew the tr
Is privacy really that important? Here in California we have walls to surround our backyards and even half walls in the front yards to separate ourselves. We have caller ID so we can scan our incoming calls and we have *67 so no one knows who we are when we're calling. Well, yesterday at an in
Most of you who know me know that I like to write catchy titles to get someones attention. Well, this one is not just catchy, it's the down right truth. I actually came across a house with a hole in the roof. The buyer had no idea, the realtor had no idea, the bank (who owned the house) had no