As the title indicates, this home inspection blog is about hand rails. I find that hand rails regularly come up as an issue in home inspections. Many people seem to forget how important hand rails are in case you trip while going up or down steps, even more so for children and the elderly who h
I think most people would agree that roofs are an important part of the house. Unfortunately, it seems we are calling out problems on roofs daily. I suppose with all these foreclosures and short sales, people just didn't have the money to keep up with the maintenance or have items repaired prop
Summer is in full swing and my last blog was about pool safety, so I'll continue with that theme today. Below is a picture of a pool safety concern. Can you identify it? It's kind of like "where's Waldo?" Well okay, not exactly like "where's Waldo?" since there is only one item in the pictu
Well we're in the full swing of summer and "the heat is on." Therefore many people here in Southern California will be enjoying their pools on a daily basis. Unfortunately, many accidents happen around pools every year, some of which can be avoided. Take a look at the picture below. Yes, I
I would estimate that about 80 - 90% of the homes we inspect these days are foreclosures... at least they're vacant. We often find very interesting things during these home inspections. But the warning I give you today does not concern home inspections (please read my other blogs for that). We
I have heard this every once in a while out there. And I guess the answer depends on what you are looking for a home inspection to accomplish. There are two common goals buyers have for a home inspection: 1. Find out all the issues with the home so you aren't hit with any huge, unexpected repai
I would estimate that 80 - 90% of the home inspections we perform are vacant, usually foreclosures or short sales. Unfortunately many of them are left in very bad condition, making for extra long inspections. Some people take a sledge hammer to everything they see, some let their pets run wild
I hear this question every so often so I thought I'd address it. Of course here in Southern California, about 90% of the home inspections we perform are vacant houses, usually foreclosures or short sales. However I know there are still sellers out there. So how does a seller have the house "pas
Over the past year and a half much of my competition in the home inspection industry has dropped out for one reason or another. And recently it appears some have returned and seem to compete solely based on price. So I thought I'd share with you some insight on the home inspection process so yo
My last blog was about a recall, so I'll continue that theme. I came across this a few weeks ago. Now I didn't inspect this house, I simply saw it as I was driving, so I stopped and took a picture. Though I can't be sure, it looks like the fire was caused by the attic furnace (the rectang