Finding leaks is certainly easier in the rain. However, even in the rain, a leak cannot always be seen. This is where the "tools of the trade" come in. A moisture meter can detect moisture where it cannot be seen. Of course a home isnpector usually has to use his sight first, then go to the m
This home inspection video blog in Chino Hills, CA is about garage door laser sensor eyes. Most people know they provide safety for small children, but they forget they can protect pets also. I sometimes hear, "But I don't have kids," well what about the neighbor's kids, relatives' kids, your p
This home inspection video blog in Fontana, CA is about hand rail safety. I often see safety issues with hand rails which should be immediately repaired. Stairs are a very common place for accidents and injuries. The elderly and the young are most susceptible, but everyone is at risk. I hope
All you ever wanted to know about squirrels... just kidding. This home inspection video blog in Chino Hills, CA has information about furnace maintenance. Furnaces, just like cars, should be maintained regularly. Some maintenance includes air filters, vacuuming air plenums and cleaning squirre
Please read the full text for AB 118 by Hayashi at and type in AB 1118 and the name Hayashi. If you agree, write your local California Assembly member to support it. There are currently no requirements by the State of California to call oneself
This home inspection video blog is about pool gate safety. This is a very important safety concerns and should be taken seriously. Pool gates are there primarily to keep children out of the pool area and prevent drownings. Of course, some people say, "No big deal, I don't have kids." This doe
Some safety items noted during a home inspection are relatively cheap, yet very important. I find these types of safety items all the time and note them on my reports. One such item is an anti-tip bracket for ovens/stoves. The home inspection video blog below gives an example. I hope this gi
Sometimes I see things that are pretty funny during a home inspection. This time I thought I'd take a video of it and share it with you. Now keep in mind, home inspectors are a funny breed of people and not everyone will think it's too funny. The video is more about making something useless in
Okay, I have officially moved to a video blog. I will probably still do "old" blogs every once in a while, after all, I have thousands of home inspection pictures I'd love to share. But for now I'm on a video blog kick. This home inspection video blog is about having a light source in a room. E
I'm trying to move from a traditional blog to a video blog. Of course in the meantime you get to be my guinea pigs as I slowly learn to master the process. I eventually hope to do seamless and error-less videos on the field... but until then... practice makes perfect. p> I hope this gives you