Home Inspection Informational Blog

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My blog discusses various items I see on a daily basis while performing home inspecions. I hope you find it interesting and educational. Sometimes I will blog on personal stories and interests also. I hope you will see the value of a professional home inspection. Be safe out there. You can contact my calling center at 888-7-PILLAR to schedule a home inspection.
I inspected a house built in 1948 the other day which had some upgraded systems.  Unfortunately it was a shoddy job.Though they had just upgraded the electrical system, they didn't bother to do anything about the corrosion at the right service entrance cable.They upgraded the electrical system bu...
While inspecting houses I often find problems in the main electrical service panel.  The most common for me is that the breaker/fuse for the A/C has undersized wires or that the breaker amperage is too large.  But I also see on other breakers/fuses where the wire sizing for some breakers is too s...
No one asked me to write this (sniff sniff, huff huff), but I thought I'd throw in my 2 cents anyway.  Active Rain has been a great phenomenon... even for home inspectors.  There haven't been as many "featured" posts by home inspectors as some other groups, but that doesn't hold us back.There wer...
Well, what about tempered glass?  And what is it anyway?  Most people are familiar with safety glass in the front windshield of their car.  If the windshield is hit it usually just cracks into a spiderweb looking design, or worse case scenario it shatters, but the shards are not sharp enough to c...
...and three kids later I finally decided to install permanent gates for my children.  I have a two-story house and we've had a temporary type gate at the bottom of the stairs for years.  It's been quite cumbersome as it was difficult to operate and would sometimes come out of place.So I went to ...
I recently inspected two houses with a 60-amp main electrical service.  What does that mean?  Electrical panels are rated by amps.  The more amps you have, the more electrical capacity the house can handle.                                         The problem is that the demand of electrical servi...
Okay here's the story.  I have been a customer of a certain insurance company for 7-years for both auto and home insurance.  I have never filed a claim in that time.  The insurance company has only made a profit from me.Well... I get a letter in the mail from the DMV stating they will suspend the...
I've seen a lot of these types of posts, so I'll throw my 2 cents in, but hopefully it will be good and amount to a couple of dollars  :-)What can a seller do to make their listing stand out?  First you should look at what every transaction needs.  I'll stick to California since that's where I'm ...
Recently a contest was put out here on AR asking us to list the Top 5 "green" eco-friendly items if money were no object, http://activerain.com/blogsview/300156/1-Points-Brad-Pitt I thought this was a great idea and decided to write a blog on it.  I have already somewhat thought about it for when...
A flue is a pipe that is usually attached to the top of a furnace or water heater.  Fire is needed to heat up the water heater, furnace, etc.  When there is a fire, combustion takes place.  Then you have combustion gases that are created.  These gases are harmful to breathe, so they go through th...

Joseph Lang

Home Inspector, Southern California
local_phone(909) 989-5114
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