Seven questions you NEED to ask your provider, before you purchase your new real estate website: In comments to one of my recent posts, the discussion took off in the direction of control and ownership of design and web materials, so I thought I’d address the issue of ownership as well as a few
A highly commented on post by Iran turned into quite a discussion on whether or not it’s worth it to pay for professional services. Karen Rice in a comment to all affiliates or vendors suggested that we provide our services to agents based on the same business model they operate under, i.e. we
This was a year of transitions. I moved back to New York, with my then 7 year-old that I had spent too much time apart from over the last two years. College was in New York, and I couldn’t quite make it alone between 24 credits a semester and a full time job, so he stayed with my parents 1,200
Predictably, as the year is winding down, people who are in business for themselves are making those all important business plans for next year, analyzing what they could have done better or shouldn’t have done at all, and making all sorts of New Year’s resolutions. Nothing wrong with that. We