Hi all. This just might be the shortest post I've ever written, but I thought it might be useful for some of you. If you have a FaceBook Business page that you set up a while ago, or paid someone else to do it for you, and you have one or more of those fancy custom FBML tabs on it - go check on
[POST UPDATED] This post is inspired by Broker Bryant. My apologies for the title. I don’t know if your business is broken or if you perceive it as such, but since you are now reading it, I’ll assume that it could be better. This post is my experiment in keeping things simple for once, as I am
It seems one can’t attend a seminar or read a marketing newsletter nowadays without being told that the most important thing you can do is brand yourself, your company or your service offering. You are told that the only way you’ll make it is to stand out, to be (with apologies to Godin) that p
I am not generally known for being nice or sweet or any other euphemism for same. For some reason my rants tend to draw much more of a crowd than anything soft, squishy or plain inoffensive, so whether justly or not, my reputation as a nice person who pays people compliments is somewhat shot. W