Some days just start out all wrong. Yesterday was one of those days: even the first cup of coffee tasted funky, quite possibly because my taste buds were still asleep at five in the morning. I am not an early riser, and driving out of town to a meeting at such an ungodly hour held little redemp
After my second cup of coffee all hell broke loose; a nice lady who used to deliver our mail and who rescues cute pit mix puppies from our local humane society came knocking on our door at about noon. She bought some poinsettias and while she was digging up little piles of sandy dirt to plant th
This is by far the most human and eloquent post on the results of this election, the state of our nation, the heart of its people. Regardless of how you voted, read this, from one very wise man, John MacArthur. Recently, I wrote a blog i
A purple Geo Metro pulls up next to hubby and I on our way to a local Publix for some dinner grub... The entire side panel of the car is spray painted with big white letters: "Vote American, Vote McCain". I love the fact that so many are willing to deface their personal (and, in some instances,