Ask just about any business owner and they will tell you that it’s very competitive in their respective markets. Doesn’t it seem that there are so many others out there just like yourself, vying for pieces of the same pie? When you really think of it, others in your profession offer pretty much...
I agree that ID Theft Services aren’t necessary in the same way I agree that Health Care Plans aren’t necessary. However, I also believe it is a very good idea to have both. This is especially true when you learn about the real costs of identity theft, especially to your peace of mind.Consider t...
Pop Quiz. True or False. (Answers in the article) 1) 70% of Identity Theft is related to credit cards. 2) Identity Theft can cause injury or death to its victim. 3) Identity Theft can absolutely be prevented. Thanks to cute commercials, most people think of identity theft as a financial nuisanc...
Here’s the problem… With the popularity of social networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace, it becomes increasingly imperative we teach our children about protecting private information about themselves and their families. Sexual predators, pedophiles and identity thieves prowl these and oth...