Corey Chase's (idmtg76) Blog

Real Estate Agent - Silvercreek Realty Group
If they venturing into doing this type of technology now what will we be doing tomorrow? You keep hearing of new waves of technology but my question is when is it going stop. When is there going to be the line that we won't cross. You just wonder what we will be like even 5 years from now.
What is next? You keep hearing of new waves of technology but my question is when is it going stop. When is there going to be the line that we won't cross. You just wonder what we will be like even 5 years from now.
Interesting video
If you are in the Real Estate Industry do you realize those who are in Power right now are destroying your livelihood and the real estate market. One only has to look at the state of California to see how successful their policies have worked. I encourage you to listen to this clip to see just w...
Everyone be especially on their toes today!   The maple syrup's full of ants.A mouse is creeping on the shelf. Is that a spider on your back? I ate the whole pie by myself. The kitchen sink just overflowed. A flash flood washed away the school. I threw your blanket in the trash.I never lie----I--...
As there are plenty of ways an Idaho Home Buyer can find out information on the process of buying a home it all can be very confusing.  Especially with multiple sites that are not user friendly.  Sometimes the most simplistic sites can go a long way with people.  An Idaho home buyer can easily fe...
So many people give us some really good quotes on here but they are all serious.   A good laugh or at least a chuckle definitely helps us through the day.  I wanted to share a few quotes that might just do that for you. "The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four Americans are suffer...
I had to share this I am sure most agents will get a kick out of it.   I have to have a raise in my commission," the agent said to his manager. "There are three other companies after me." "Is that so?" asked the manager. "What other companies are after you?" "The electric company, the telephone c...
Good information being shared on how to add the Social media buttons.  Help others get connected with you in more ways than just activerain. Have a great Monday!Social Media Buttons and Icons - Is Someone Pushing Your Buttons? During these past few weeks, since adding the "Signature" option to Ac...
Here is some very good staging tips for any seller to take a look at.  Sell Sell Sell10 Staging Tips to Help Your Home Sell By Jean Patteson RISMEDIA, March 19, 2010-(MCT)-Want to sell your home? Get out the bucket, mop and Mr. Clean. The key to making a positive first impression is simple, said ...