Be sure that: Repairs you've requested have been made. Obtain copies of paid bills and any related warranties. All items that were included in the sale price-draperies, lighting fixtures-are still there. Screens and storm windows are in place or stored. All appliances ar...
New Years always get me motivated - so I start cleaning, throwing away trash, organize and file papers, and on and on... This is a great time to : clean up that database... delete those unused icons off your desktop...let GO of those potential leads that will never pan out...delete old and junk e...
Be Safe A potential buyer calls, we're motivated, he wants to meet at the house - do we jump in the car and meet him at the house? Be safe. In this market we may tend to forget our processes. Meet your new client at the office first. Let your office know where you'll be. If you do meet a previ...
Just a reminder, in these confusing times... These are 7 Great Reasons to Buy a Home! Your mortgage interest may be tax deductible. Your property taxes may be deductible. Your home has the potential to appreciate in value. Through deferred gain, the profit from your home may be tax free. You wi...
The full answer is a little complicated. If you are a first time home buyer (defined by the IRS), you have an income of less than $75,000 ($150,000 if married filing joint), and you bought a new home between April 9th, 2008 and July 1, 2009 you are eligible for the Federal Housing Tax Credit for ...
Loading I was listening to the radio this morning and heard that Yahoo is unveiling a new site or expanding the existing one for real estate searches to include more videos - I'm not sure how I feel about this. How much is too much? When a Buyer is searching on the internet for months at a time...
1. People who look at property during the holidays are serious buyers and are more ready to make a decision. 2. Serious buyers have fewer houses to choose from during the holidays, so the property has less competition. 3. Houses "show better" when decorated for the holidays with the wo...