Hi... today I begin something different one of my neighbors has bought the home across the street in order to tear it down and build new.This began last week and I thought I would begin taking photos for my own personal documentation, but it occurred to me this be a perfect opportunity to share
Hi.. been busy but have an exciting new project lined up.A house is being built across the street, Beginning either late tonight or early tomorrow I will be taking everyone on a more than likely journey of approx one year,as this is how long the average house seems to need for completion.This wil
I am a little busy taking care of business right now however I would like to get this started. First off I don't wish to get any home inspectors ticked off by giving away all of our secrets, however I think it would be very helpful to help you look at a home in a way that goes beyond the cosmeti
First Impressionsby Bob Elliott To begin with they say people make judgments about other people within the first 10 seconds of meeting them. So common sensed dictates that people will judge your house by the first thing that they see and that's the front outside of your property.Write a way they
Of course I am assuming that you do recommend home inspectors as you would probably be doing a disservice to your client if you did not. What I as a home inspector would like to know is what are you thinking when you pass out those cards. Do you put any thought into the faces that go with them