Every once in a while I throw in a helpful link that may help some one, and do not give a second thought about the amazing tecnology behind what helps me organise the ever growing number of sites that must be accessed for me to do my job as an inspector.I have never disscused with anyone what sor
I would just like to express gratitude to all women out there who have chosen the most difficult task in the world.That is taking on the job of bearing and raising children.If you have a photo of you with your mother ,let the world see it today so you can show her how proud you are of her.I Love
Here are a few more pics and note that the vehicle is called a cement truck yet what it pours is called concrete HMMMMMMM. Yes I (mis spelled)
Making a little head way.Don't forget if you would like to see all photos at once you can click to the Home Site and back.(but that's cheating)Build A House Do you notice the outside piece that locks it all together?
Sorry it took so long but here are qa few more pics for your viewing pleasure. Remember it is easier to plan ahead,rather than try to cut thick cement later.
Some one contacted me today while I was at work by E-Mail after seeing my blog on Active Rain.I came home tired and just thought ,a quick check for clients on my site before retiring to a nice evening in front of Heros, which is one of the shows I enjoy on TV.The letter went on to request help re
I seem to be spending far to many friday nights at home lately,but at least this time it is not my fault.One of my lady friends invited me over for a night of dinner,and sitting down to a Chicago Bulls Playoff Game(now that they are on the verge of finishing off last years world champion and wort
Hi... for those of you who have been following my series building a house and have an interest in more questions and answers regarding those photos I'm posting, then this is for you and would like to announce that I will be concurrently and coincidingly running them on the NACHI message board
Well here we went and demolished the house so what is next?Time to pour what is Known as footings,which is the very bottom part of the stucture or foundation.How important is it to keep this level.?did you know this is normaly twice the width of the cement foundation that will sit on top of it?Wh