When I first passed this neighbour’s house, I nearly went off the road. My first thought was “Yikes, what are they thinking?”. Then thinking better of the situation, I realized that no one would choose to paint their home this colour – would they?Recalling when I once painted a room a deep wine c
Fellow stagers of the rain, we might just have some publicity coming our way!While watching a recent segment of Oprah, they announced upcoming shows…”Wait - did I hear right?” I thought.Did Oprah say that “THE” Nate Berkus will be giving tips on how to get your home ready for sale?After further i
A person’s home is a reflection of who they are. Simple elements in a home will show you someone’s believes, their values, likes and dislikes. Personal collections play a big role in this.There are as many different types of collections as there are people and each collection hold its own meaning
Whether you have family members with sensitivities to commercial cleaning products or you're looking to help our planet, using “green” products isn’t that hard. With two young boys and a glass top table, commercial glass cleaner used to be a staple in my house. Until one day I ran out and needed
OK – I’m going to start by waving a white flag, not to surrender but to call a truce. There has been plenty of debate surrounding home staging, covering many different points, but I think that both real estate agents and stagers alike can agree:- Home staging has been around for a number of years
Every home has its own uniqueness and that needs to be kept in mind when preparing a home for sale. This is especially true when dealing with the typical family home.Just about all-family homes display their own level of clutter and personalization that comes with everyday living.The family room
Joining in on the Hallowe'en Fun...let's add a contest for homes decorated for halloween. Come on fellow stagers, strut your stuff.Here is my house, show us yours!
What are we stagers to think…only one realtor has given feedback on the blog on the Cost of Staging!Hmm – we are stumped. I though realtors from across Active rain would be responding, let us know what they think.As VAL pointed out:“If I were a realtor and discovered a 'tool' that would make my
A common question from home stagers is why real estate agents fail to see the value in our services.For me, the answer is easy – we are a new industry and we can’t expect to change the world overnight.Take instant coffee for example, I once read an article outlining the problems of selling insta
On behalf of all home stagers, I'm conducting an informal poll on what real estate agents believe our services cost.We would love to hear from all agents on Active Rain.A 2 hour consultation would consist of:- Room by room review- Specific recommendations provided in writing giving the homeow