Alternative Therapies in Seminole Florida. It may be a question that some of us have asked ourselves at some time, 'what are Alternative Therapies about' or 'what do people mean when they talk about Alternative Therapies' Well they can be a bit of a mystery and some people will say 'How can t...
It's just amazing what's on at the Seminole Recreation Center in Seminole Florida, the City of Seminole may not be a huge city but that doesn't stop them coming up with huge idea's and the Seminole Recreation Center is a hive of activity almost every day of the week. I'ts hard to know where t...
As a Realtor are youprepared for a day on the go? You are all used to taking care of your clients but do you forget about you? ; a simple phone call or email can change our whole day and send us rushing down a route we never imagined when we got up out of bed in the morning. I’m sure you never le...
Bikini Season is right arounds the corner in Seminole, Florida, with temperatures rising there are so many of us thinking we need to shed a few extra pounds before we hit the beach. Before you start to search out a diet that you think will do the job consider a few things. There are a ton of co...
Well the day of reckoning had arrived, that is Graduation Day at the Dog Training Club of St Petersburg, Fl, for those of you who read last weeks post I have been training with my dog Penny for the last 7 weeks, basic obedience may not seem like a big deal to some but to us it is a huge achievem...
Learn To Swim In Largo Florida Learn to swim in Largo Florida, it is so good to see these learn to swim courses appearing around the county. The ability to swim can be a life saver at any given time. With the summer almost here and the temptation of water all around wouldn’t you feel better if t...
This weekend on Saturday May 12 at the George McGough Park, Largo there is a 5k Walk/Run for the benefit of the Arthritis Research Institute of America. The course will wind its way through the park on 146th Street in Largo so there is no need to worry about traffic, and if you get there e...
The SPCA in Largo now have their own training school for dogs and cats called Sniff University, they have a great selection of classes including some that are a little different to the norm. Doga caught my eye and raised my curiosity so I had to investigate. Doga is Yoga for you and your dog, ap...
I wanted to reblog this post from Anne it is so important that kids learn to swim what a great program provided by St Pete BaechFree “Every Child a Swimmer” Program in St. Pete Beach St. Pete Beach, FL: The Kiwanis Club of Gulf Beaches together with the City of St. Pete Beach is proud to offe...
So it’s Wednesday and my weekly visit to St Petersburg Dog Club is due, I started training with my younger dog Penny just 6 weeks ago, she’s a German Shepherd so she is better at it than I am, well most of the time anyway. St Petersburg Dog Club is located at 4400-B 34th Street in St Petersbu...