"The 30th day of May, 1868, is designated for the purpose of strewing with flowers or otherwise decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country during the late rebellion, and whose bodies now lie in almost every city, village, and hamlet church-yard in the land. In this
AT REAL ESTATE Pipeline, reviews and comments on our blogs are watched carefully. After all, the point of blogging is to receive responses, which can be the beginning of an on-line relationship that can serve everyone well. So I read with interest the comments on a blog I posted about the inequit
DOES ANYONE ELSE hear that sucking sound? As I listened to pundits debate on the Sunday morning TV talk shows about how to jump start the stumbling economy, I kept hearing the sound of something valuable being sucked out of the system: money. Both Republicans and Democrats appear to be ignorin
"Wish I had time for just one more bowl of chili." - Dying words of mountain man Kit Carson (1809-1868) IT'S ALMOST A WEEKEND and one of my favorite past-times is cooking up something fun. And one of my favorite things to cook is CHILI. I know, everyone already has a favorite chili recipe. But I
APPARENTLY IT IS LEGAL to discriminate when renting out that extra room in your house. While the Fair Housing Acts prohibits discrimination of any sort when renting any "dwelling," that act does not extend into a person's own residence, according to a ruling earlier this year by the U.S. Ninth Ci
EVEN WITH the mild winter that just passed, in Montana the arrival of 70-some degrees and a blue sky is welcomed as if it was the return of a long-awaited friend. Sunday was one of those days, a day for shorts and short sleeves, a day to be spent in the woods or alongside a river. I hesitate to
YOU'D THINK they would have known better. JPMorgan, the nation's largest bank, announced this week it recently lost at least $2 billion by investing in hedge funds. The bank apparently was trying to hedge its investments with the same sort of shaky investment strategies that got us all in this fi
IS AMERICA OVER IT? Homeownership, I mean. I'm just thinking out loud here, but perhaps the reason for the lackluster rebound from the market crash is that many Americans no longer have much of a taste for homeownership. Still just thinking here, but why should they? After a couple of decades o
DESPITE OCCASIONAL numbers and wishful thinking that lead us to hope we are on the far side of the worst housing crash since the Great Depression, that appears to not yet be the case. Apparently, surviving this crash is going to take yet more patience, much patience. And perhaps even a bit more c
AL-QAIDA has its terrorist eye set on Montana's mountains and the real estate that has been built here. In a Friday article posted in the Missoulian it was reported that Al-Qaida is suggesting to terrorists that they set wildfires in Montana. The suggestion comes in the Al-Qaida magazine Inspire