It’s time for the Blooper Reel, folks, and this week’s bloopers did not disappoint. Every week I receive contributions from all over the U.S. and Canada. These include hilarious gaffes from MLS sites as well as from real estate ads. Thanks to Patty Da Silva from Davie, Florida and Patrick Martin
It’s Blooper Day, my friends – and some of this week’s real estate advertising and MLS gaffes are as baffling as Richard Sherman’s post-game rant. Let these be a lesson as to why one shouldn’t type during a play-off kegger. Thanks to Jane Peters and Patrick Martin, both from L.A., for their
Welcome to this week’s edition of “Dazed and Confused." I am not sure how any of this hilarious ad copy will help sell the properties being marketed. Nevertheless, these bloopers do provide some giggles, so please enjoy: Well, of course! “New bullit house” (Just another day in Bonnie and Clyde
Happy Friday - the Blooper Reel is back! No matter how many times I decide to take a vacation from posting, the gaffes on the MLS and in the local real estate ads are just too hysterical to ignore. Thanks as always for your wonderful contributions – I received some great ones this week from L.A
Hi friends, and Happy New Year. A new year of bloopers is already in full-swing. Check out these gaffes that indicate that some people didn’t learn how to proof-read in 2013. However, the culprits are certainly providing some laughs for 2014. Please enjoy! Ready for take-off! “New ear speacial!
It’s Blooper Day, friends, and ’tis the season for hilarity. I think a few hapless folks thought that “Fall Back” was referring to performance levels, because some of these gaffes are doozies. Thanks to Mike Cooper and Bruce Walter for their contributions. Check ‘em out: Under the Dome “Dome u
Hi, friends – it’s blooper day, so hop aboard for another ride on the Blooper Loco-motive. These hysterical MLS gaffes are telltale signs that some folks are really off-track. Jane Peters shared a number of bloopers with us this week, so here we go – hang on to your hats! Mysterious “Submi
Oh, Ricky! There is some old saying about the best laid plans going asunder, and I am about to tell you where asunder is: it's a place in New Jersey. Picture a lovely suburb of tract homes in Jersey, circa 1969. One year my mother Marie decided we should sell the family home and get something bi
Hi, folks – it's Blooper day again. Be forewarned that my trusty spies and I are looking for MLS and real estate marketing errors in your market. Use that spell-check application and be sure to proof-read, because Big Boober is lurking. Uh, Blooper. Enjoy this week’s funny gaffes: Wrong Move “Pe
I’m ba-a-a-ack! You can’t escape the eyes of the Big Blooper, my friends. Check out these hilarious errors I found in the MLS and in the local real estate ads this past week. Thanks to Jill Sackler of Plainview, N.Y. for submitting several hilarious gaffes she found. Names withheld to protect th