George Souto Mortgage Loan Originator

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Mortgage and Lending - George Souto NMLS #65149 - NMLS #65149



Sorry, I know it is not nice to say stupid, but there seems to be a lot of stupid going on with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).  They are making it very obvious that Stupid Is, As Stupid Does, And There Is No Fixing It.  If anyone had any doubt whether or not the Consumer Financi...
There Is No Assuming In Lending, it is document, document, and then document some more.  Assuming has always had a way of coming back to bit us.  We have all heard of what the word ASSUME stands for when we break the word apart.  When you ASS-U-ME you make an ASS out of U and out of ME.  I do a g...
The phones have been ringing and e-mail boxes are filling up for Senators, and Representative in Congress, as all the different organizations in the Real Estate Industry call upon their members to make calls and send e-mail to their Senators and Representative in Congress protesting the Proposed ...
The latest ActiveRain Contest/Challenge "IMSD Systems Challenge" is for us to write a post detailing a system we use in our business to generate prospects.  The system that I have been using for about two years now is call Mortgage Returns, and is by far the Best System That I Have Found To Help ...
Boy Scout Troop 270 is doing their Annual Christmass Tree Pick-Up In Durham, Middlefield, & Rockfall, Connecticut to raise money for their Troop.  This is a great opportunity to dispose of your Christmas Tree after the Holidays, and help a very worthy organization. Boy Scout Troop 270 has three d...
  A basic questions the I feel we should all ask ourselves is "Why Do I Blog?"  Since I am posing that question here on ActiveRain, the obvious and expected answer I believe would be "To Increase My Business".  However, that would be to broad of an answer, and to really answer the question "Why D...
  I did not think that we were going to have a White Christmas In Middletown, Connecticut this year but we did.  As you can see from the picture above there was not much snow, but it was enough to stick to the trees, grass, and my deck. The the type of snow fall that we got Christmas Morning is ...
Yesterday I wrote a blog titled "What Is More Valuable The House Or The Interest Rate?"  to not only raise questions on the value of a property, but it also introduced the affects of Interest Rates on the value of the property.  This blog "The Velocity Of Money On Interest Rates, What Is It?" goe...
Value is a major part of Real Estate.  If a Buyer or Seller feels that they are getting value for the investment that they are making in a property, then they feel that they are making a wise choice.  There are many components that go into making a decision of whether to Buy or Sell a property, b...
Friday night ActiveRain Members, Pat and Wayne Harriman, held a Meet-Up for those that are part of their Facebook Wallingford CT Community Forum Group at Gouveia's Winnery & Vineyard in Wallingford, Connecticut.  It was a real good time, and Gouveia's was the perfect place for this type of get t...