George Souto Mortgage Loan Originator

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Mortgage and Lending - George Souto NMLS #65149 - NMLS #65149



I can go months without having anything to update on USDA/Rural Mortgages, but then all of the sudden the notifications start to pour in.  The latest notification that I just received, right after one of my USDA/Rural loans closed, is that USDA/Rural Is Out Of Funds In Connecticut, in fact they ...
Fall Has Arrived In Middletown Connecticut, and by the way the trees are starting to turn colors, it is shaping up to be a beautiful one.  The picture above is just about a minute walk from my house, and I will be posting pictures of this same spot at different points throughout the Fall to see ...
Issues with July 2012 DU UPDATE FOR GOVERNMENT LOANS Release.  Most of the blogs that I write are intend to provide information to Realtors, and Borrowers about Lending Guidelines, and what is going on in the Mortgage Industry.  Hopefully this blog will be of value to Realtors and Borrowers, but ...
On Tuesday I blogged about the New Proposed Reduction In USDA Eligible Towns In Connecticut which USDA recently announced due to the 2010 Census.  the New Proposed Reduction In USDA Eligible Towns was expected to go into affect at the beginning of the USDA fiscal year October 1, 2012.  After pos...
Spirit Gallery In New London Floral Art Show.  I have never been to a Floral Art Show, so I am planning on stopping in and see what it is all about.  The Spirit Gallery on 207 Bank Street in New London is right around the corner from my office, so this is perfect. I would expect that this would ...
Do You Need A Two Year Work History In Order To Purchase A Home?  The answer is yes, but it does not have to be a continuous two year history, or two years with the same employer. While it is true that there are situations that a Borrower will need to prove a two year continuous work history at t...
  Seeing the moon is not unusual, but seeing the Moon In The Day Time is, at least for me it is.  I can't remember the last time I saw the moon if full day light, but that is what has happened the last couple of days. I don't know if it has just been happening in my little corner of Connecticut,...
USDA recently announced that due to the 2010 Census, a number of towns that were previously eligible for funding, are no longer eligible.  USDA is proposing that the reduction of towns go into affect on October 1, 2012.  Below is the present USDA Map for Connecticut, and the green areas are all ...
  Portland Connecticut Football & Cheer.  It is not to late, if you live in Portland, Connecticut, and have a child between the ages of 6 - 13, you can still sign them up for Football and Cheerleading. This is an opportunity to get your son or daughter involved in a community sports program, and...
Using Overtime & Bonus Income To Qualify For A Mortgage - VIDEO.  I have not posted a video that I have produced before. In fact I have only posted one video in my six years here on ActiveRain. So I was not going to participate in Terkel Sorensen "Video Blogging Challenge - Plan and ACTION". But ...