George Souto Mortgage Loan Originator

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Mortgage and Lending - George Souto NMLS #65149 - NMLS #65149



Today was a perfect day for Open Houses, the weather was perfect, and the Buyers were out.  I stopped by four Open Houses and all were busy except one, because of the type of property. The Buyers that I saw at the Open Houses were mainly First Time Homebuyers, and all of them excited about the po...
Yesterday I wrote a blog on the new policy that was just announced by HUD for the $8,000 Tax Credit, in their latest Mortgagee Letter "MORTGAGEE LETTER 2009-1.  In it I advised everyone to read it for themselves and become familiar with it.  What I did not do in my blog yesterday was to further a...
FHA issued MORTGAGEE LETTER 2009-15 today, once again making a provision or provisions for the $8,000 Tax Credit (Gift) to be received before the Closing on a property. Now before anyone gets to excited about this, like many did before, you really NEED to read the entire Mortgagee Letter, once yo...
In the beginning of the month I wrote a blog "Appraisal Issues Continue To Be Big Problems!!!".  In the blog I gave an example of a loan that I was presently working on, and the appraisal issues that I was have with it.  It was one of those loans that the Buyer was not the problem, they had excel...
Most will associate the term "Be Prepared" with the Boy Scouts, and it is a term that I am very familiar with since both my sons are Eagle Scouts.  But these days this term has taken on a new meaning for me with all of the changes and challenges that we are facing in the Real Estate Industry.  Th...
Yesterday I commented on a blog that Donna Bigda wrote on Condominiums, and she suggested that I add a couple of links for Buyers to have as a resource. The comment that I made was that most Condo Loans that I do are for First Time Homebuyer, and that FHA and Connecticut Housing Finance Authority...
Most of us who have been in this business for a while, and plan on being around for a lot longer, pride ourselves in providing our Clients with great service.  Up until a couple of years ago I thought that providing great service was good, that is until I read a little book by Ken Blanchard and S...
  ****************************************************************************************************************** Info about the author: George Souto is a Loan Officer who can assist you with all your FHA, CHFA, and Conventional mortgage needs in Connecticut. George resides in Middlesex Count...
I don't know about everyone else but for the last two months I have been busier than I have been for a long time.  In fact the month of April was one of the best months that I have ever had.  I have been so busy that it has been hard to keep up with all of the Pre-Approvals, and Loans that I have...
  ****************************************************************************************************************** Info about the author: George Souto is a Loan Officer who can assist you with all your FHA, CHFA, and Conventional mortgage needs in Connecticut. George resides in Middlesex Count...