I know that ActiveRain is primarily for realtors but many people are able to register using the title of Real Estate - Other. Well, what exactly is Real Estate - Other? I take it to mean any services or even products related to real estate. But that can include a wide range of occupations and ind
Maybe I'm the only one who didn't know this, but AR is great for raising your ranking in Google and Yahoo. I have been working with Santa Clarita dentist David Goldberg and AR was one of the ways I promoted him. After only 10 days our local newspaper here in Santa Clarita wrote a feature article
I started out my day at 6 am in Central Park. I am in the Rotary Club and we prepared pancakes, saugage and orange juice for several hundred people this morning. The event was the Relay for Life for cancer survivors. I am a survivor and it was meaningful to be there to serve the people who had ca
I am a volunteer at the Performing Arts Center at College of the Canyons in Valencia. Tonight we had the Sheriff's Graduation and 72 new recruits became deputies and police officers. Los Angeles County Sheriiff Lee Baca precided over the ceremony and Santa Clarita Mayor Marsha McLean spoke to the
The networking here on Active Rain has been incredible. I have only been here for one month and I have already met so many of you online and now a few of you in person as well. My Space now has an average age of about 40 years old and has been great for networking, but AR is better because it is
This morning I went to a small ceremony at City Hall held by the Blue Star Mothers of Santa Clarita. These are women whose sons and daughters are in one of the branches of the military. Our town is relatively small, so I chatted with Mayor Marsha McClean on my way to sit down. Then I ended up sit
Santa Clarita dentist David Goldberg has many patients who are children. But does that qualify him as a children's dentist? David Goldberg, who has been practicing dentistry in Santa Clarita for over twenty years, explains the difference. He says that some dentists prefer to work only on children
David Goldberg is a dentist in Santa Clarita. He doesn't specialize in children's dentistry but does have many children as patients. David Goldberg is also the president elect of the Rotary Club here in Santa Clarita. I would recommend his dental services to anyone in the area. He has a family pr
That is the question I am most often asked by my clients. I always tell them to check out www.typepad.com to see what it has to offer. ActiveRain will always attract a certain group of readers but you may want to be more specific with a blog than can brand you and your business. I suggest using b
John Boston, Santa Clarita's own Hemingway in residence, has once again shown his love for the Santa Clarita Rotary Club. This time he mentioned our 400 pound gorilla. We love our gorilla but usually just refer to him as David Goldstein. David is the Rotary ape dentist (written about previously i