Greg Nutter sells Farmer's insurance in the Santa Clarita area. He specializes in auto and homeowner's insurance, but he is much more than just as agent. Check out this story that was in The Signal last week. There is a quote from Greg about a child he used to visit in Children's Hospital. The bo
Your Active Rain blog is a serious part of your marketing plan. It gives you an immediate web presence and people will now be able to find you more easily on the internet. If you want to take your blogging to a higher level then you should learn from the best. They are Denise Wakeman and Patsi Kr
Most of the realtors I know have gone out of business during the past two months. I don't mean that they have actually closed their offices or started working in a new profession. They have just mentally and emotionally checked out. They still continue to go through the physical motions, more or
I have been away for about a month and I see that lots of posting has gone on without me. I was in Monterey, California at the end of July, at a leadership and marketing seminar.Then I went to Finland to visit family and friends. I was able to finish work on many of my real estate marketing progr
I spent this weekend volunteering for some organizations here in Santa Clarita. It felt good to help others who need it so badly. I started out by volunteering at the Hunger Defense Fund in Santa Clarita. They feed more than 2,000 children in this city who come from low income families. The peopl
This year we had the greatest 4th of July ever. It started out at 6 am as we set up the tables and chairs for the Santa Clarita Rotary Club's blueberry pancake breakfast. Yes, that's right, they brought back those delicious bluberry pancakes that haven't been served since the last millenium. Some
No, it is NOT an iphone! It is a Blackberry curve and it is fabulous. So why did I choose today, June 29, 2007 to purchase a new phone at Cingular/AT & T of all places? Well, that is an interesting story. Earlier in the day I noticed that my Nokia 3530 was sticky on the back. Upon closer examinat
Some Active Rainers have asked me where I've been for the past couple of weeks. As they say in my business, which is marketing and publicity for realtors and sales professionals, I've been deep in product development. That means that I have been writing and preparing teleseminars to help my clien
I have maintained several blogs for almost a year now and have always subscribed to the use of pinging after I post. I just realized recently that I should be doing the same thing here on Active Rain. Pinging after you post lets the search engines and blog directories know that you have fresh con
I may have missed the Active Rain party in Long Beach tonight, but the event I went to instead was superb.Tonight I was at the Santa Clarita Valley Boys and Girls Club 36th annual auction and fundraiser. The theme was "Grease" and people showed up in their poodle skirts and leather jackets. They