Article writing and marketing will help you find targeted prospects and clients. You can use your keywords in the title and beginning of the article and they will be ranked highly by Google. I am interviewing article wrtiting and marketing expert Jeff Herring, also known as The Article Guy, today
You can write short articles, 250 -350 words in length, to attract more prospects and clients into your real estate business. I have been writing articles for one year now and currently have 507 published over at EzineArticles. This is a free method for helping clients to find you and should be a
Tomorrow I will be interviewing Jeff Herring, The Article Guy. Jeff shows business professionals how to write short articles, submit them to free article directories, and promote themselves online. This is a free call and I invite you to join me as I interview Jeff. The teleseminar is at New Medi
65 million people can't be wrong! I started on Facebook a few months ago. I now receive requests for appraisals and marketing helpĀ from people around North America. But I had to learn how to use it first. Here are some reasons to use Facebook if you are looking for new clients:1. Find business co
Writing articles and an ebook can help you to build visibility and credibility, as well as position you as an expert in your field. If you are not sure how to write articles or ebooks, visit Ebook Writing and Marketing Secrets to find out more. There are also free weekly teleseminars on article w
Writing an ebook will help to establish your credibity in your niche market. I have been working with other realtors, entrepreneurs, and small business owners to show them how to write an ebook very quickly. People will think of you differently once you become an author. The word author comes fro
I live north of Los Angeles, in a city of 200,000 people. Residential real estate prices seem to have leveled off for now. Does anyone else notice this is their market, or are we just one of the unique cities where the economy is doing alright? I am just curious what anyone else is observing.
I have been holding teleseminars for my ebook writing students. This Wednesday at 4 PST I will have a special guest that will be of interest to real estate professionals. Her name is Joan Stewart, also known as the Publicity Hound. She will be telling us how to make a media plan for 2008.You can
I have been using MySpace and Ning successfuly for awhile to make real estate and other marketing contacts. I just started using Facebook and could not see the real value of it. Mari Smith is offering a free course on getting the most out of Facebook. Just click here to sign up. There is no cost.
Even though I am still a real estate broker ( Greenhouse Properties) and a certified residential appraiser, my focus remains on helping others to write articles and ebooks and to hold teleseminars to market themselves and their businesses. I welcome your questions and comments on this topic, and