GL Swanson Homes Blog

Real Estate Agent - Century 21 Harris & Taylor



Lucky July 2011 July in 2011 has: 5 Fridays 5 Saturdays 5 Sundays This happens once every 823 years.   Chinese Feng Shui says pass it on, or you will have money troubles the rest of the year.
Flag Day, June 14, is the anniversary of the day on which the Continental Congress formally adopted the Stars and Stripes as the flag of the United States in 1777.  Americans have been observing this day since 1897. This flag was in use from June 14, 1777 to  May 1, 1795    President Woodrow Wil...
Karuk Tribe Members Enroll in Redwood Highway Marathon  The following is an Associated Press release dated June 2, 1927: "Grants Pass, Ore., --Eight runners of the Karuk tribe of the lower Klamath region are in training here for the longest marathon on record to be run over the Redwood highway fr...
Don't Anger Your Trees! We've all heard that plants can feel pain, but can they also think?   Possibly true! When we were selling our home in Beaverton, Oregon three years ago, I was cutting away extra shrubs and bushes to improve the curb appeal. This particular bush had grown quite large, and i...
On this June 6th, I was writing a story of a friends' landing on Normandy, and I recalled a story told me by a German soldier about the bombing of Berlin. Since the Normandy Invasion was the beginning of the end for the Nazis, and the Bombing of Berlin was the culmination, I thought I'd tell this...
I've had the pleasure of meeting many of our heroes over the years, and on this day, I always recall the words of a good friend as he related this story to me so many years ago. "We went in first, to soften things up for the invasion.  I'll never forget how scared I was as I floated helplessly do...
Rogue Valley Veterans Powwow The 14th Annual Rogue Valley Veterans Powwow is being held June 4th and 5th, 2011 The Native American festivities honor all Veterans, Gold Star Mothers and Blue Star Mothers. Attending Veterans will be honored at the opening ceremonies. Admission is free, and the publ...

Gary Swanson

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