GL Swanson Homes Blog

Real Estate Agent - Century 21 Harris & Taylor



Back to Baby Foot Lake near Grants Pass, Oregon Last time we found this beautiful wilderness lake by taking what they call the ridge trail, which wound across and over the mountains and high above the enchanting mountain lake.  The previous blog included photos taken from the cliffs on the south ...
Representing Both Sides - Dual Agency Fears in Grants Pass, OR I am wrestling with myself as I ponder representing both sides in a transaction. Even though it is legal to do so in Oregon, I recently sold one of my listings, and even though my buyers would not have minded, I told them I felt more ...
FORECLOSURES AND SHORT SALES in Grants Pass Oregon Many Oregonians who are experiencing financial difficulty are fearful of their situations and do not realize that there are very positive steps that can be taken to avoid foreclosure. Let's pursue a dignified solution to your financial crisis thr...
One More Reason To Move To Grants Pass, Oregon: A little over an hour from Grants Pass reaches the fringe of the Klamath National Forest. We drove on a series of gravel mountain roads until we were stopped by huge washed-out ravine that pronounced the road dead. From there a trail leads up the mo...
Has Real Estate Hit Bottom in Grants Pass, Oregon? So when do we know if we've hit the bottom in Real Estate pricing?  I see indicators all the time that encourage me that things are about to get a whole lot better! What may be a normal indicator for Southern Oregon has a new twist.  We quite nat...
Another Reason to Relocate to Southern Oregon --- If you have any clients even remotely thinking about moving to Oregon, I would like to invite them up here to look this country over.  I am making every effort to explore a different area each week.  My latest exploration to us to the wilderness o...
Open House, Sunday-September 20th, 12:00-3:00p.m., Rogue River, Oregon Send your buyers and I will give them a tour of the best value in its' price class in Rogue River, Oregon!  The location is 509 Cypress Ave., Rogue River.  This home has magnificent views in all directions.  This home is locat...
I'm willing to climb whatever mountains necessary to earn your referral business! Josephine County has so much to offer: Many people move here because of our unsurpassed scenery.  Many are seeking the solitude and privacy offered by more remote properties: How about riverfront with no traffic?   ...
Gary Swanson was just rated "the best new Realtor by a dam site."  This damsite will soon be no more! By December of 2009, the last  obstacle from here to the Pacific Ocean will be destroyed. This should create a stronger salmon population. Give me a call and let me welcome you home!   (541) 441...

Gary Swanson

local_phone(541) 474-2014
smartphone(541) 441-4410
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