Gene Allen Sells Cary Real Estate

Real Estate Agent - Fathom Realty



The Planning Commission is is trying to make sure the waterfront is a community gathering place and not for inappropriate development.  You could get an upscale haircut but not a tan.  You may buy sweets from a bakery, art from a gallery but not get your shoes repaired.  Those adult magazines, fo...
The sagging housing market has snagged another victim.  Belharbour Station at SoNo need an extra year to complete the first part of the project.  They may even need longer if the market doesn't improve soon.  The city is looking at putting $36 million dollars of infrastructure into the project.  ...
Justin Nelson and his wife want to move but so far he can't.  It seems he received his property from his father by way of a family transfer.  Suffolk is the only local city that allows local transfers and one of the stipulations is that you can't sell the property for ten years.  Mr. Nelson recei...
Who would have thought that a simple foot bridge over one street could cost $2.9 million.  For that cost, the city will be able to boast a brand new foot bridge from Pembroke Mall to Towne Center.  Keep in mind this will be a bridge with a grand visual impression.  It will also help pedestrians n...
I just heard recently that the Norfolk City Jail will scan the iris of inmates eyes when they are incarcerated.  The new equipment will cost about $30,000 and should be ready in March.  The equipment takes a black and white picture of the iris.  When the inmate is being released, the pictures are...
If you haven't already, buy one of these critters and never be in the dark again.  It is a flashlight that runs on a 3 volt battery.  You usually put them in cameras.  These put out about 150 lumen which for the size is just crazy.  It is smaller then the the AA flashlights but puts them to shame...
Two schools scheduled to merge have been spared. Suffolk has been grappling for a long time whether to merge Southwestern Elementary and Robertson Elementary but have finally decided to let the two schools stand. The class sizes are small, both are fully accredited and the parents don't want the ...
The state last year restricted cities from condemning blighted properties just because they are blighted.  With that in mind, the city is looking into condeming some properties in the Wards Corner area of the city.  In its place would be a skate park.  That would be for a public recreational faci...
The dreaded boat tax may be going away.  It has not raised any money and may actually be costing the city money to collect.  Many boats have left for cities with lower taxes causing marinas and resturants around the city gasping for customers.  If its broke, fix it.   http://www.genesellsvirginia...
The city council took steps to BRAC proof Oceana (Base Realignment and Closure Commission).  Will they work?  No one knows for sure but the city hopes the steps are enough to keep the city's largest employer around for a while longer.  The ordinances are designed to go further then what BRAC had ...

Gene Allen

Realty Consultant for Cary Real Estate
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