Gene Allen Sells Cary Real Estate

Real Estate Agent - Fathom Realty



Wonder where the Nofolk Botanical Garden had its start?  It was part of the WPA 70 years ago.  It was created and dug out by over 220 African American women and men.  They worked for 25 cents an hour from dawn til dusk.  Now these people are being remembered with the WPA Memorial Garden.  The off...
Portsmouth pension plan has a bitter pill for those who go on social security.  There is an offset when they become eligible for social security.  It can be hundreds of dollars a month.  Many retirees say they did not know about the offset and would have opted for the the state system. http://www...
Stephen H. Clarke school in Portsmouth is about to be 4.2 acres smaller.  School officials are thinking of selling the land to the Portsmouth Redevelopment and Housing Authority for $277,000.  The money will go back into the capital improvement fund. Come and see ALL the...
Did you know that at times it takes an act of Congress to sell land.  Apparently NOAA owns a piece of land in downtown Norfolk on Front St that it bought from Norfolk back in the early 1970's.  Norfolk needs the piece of the land for its light rail system and the rest will be towards redevelopmen...
I wrote a post recently about a bike path for the new Dominion Blvd widening project in Chesapeake.  Well now the project has grown and that makes the bike path more expensive by $2 million dollars.  We are talking about 6,000 feet of bike path.  To the cities credit, they are trying to reduce th...
When welcoming new buyers to Virginia Beach I would tell them to let the kids hit the park but no more.  Now along with all the normal things to worry about in parks we have a new and more dangerous one.  Fire Ants. The fire ant is here and seems to like parks.  The latest park to be hit was the...
  One thing I always do is tell the parent what fine parks we have in Virginia Beach but now I have to be careful.  Why?  Because along with the normal dangers that come with parks now we have to deal with fire ants.  The fire ant is here and seems to like parks.  The latest park to be hit was th...
Virginia Beach normally welcomes tourist but not this one.  The fire ant is here and seems to like parks.  The latest park to be hit was the Charlestontown Atheletic Park.  Fire ants make their way to Virginia Beach from mulch, shrubs and trees that are brought in from North Carolina, Texas and o...
This is one of those got to have gadgets for your camera if it is a P & S or a DSLR.  It is a POP UP SHADE for the LCD on your camera.  It is a magnetic device that fits over your LCD and flips up to keep the sun out so you can compose your picture.  It comes in various sizes so you should be abl...
My last post on the DMC FZ 18 was on an amusement park.  This time it is on spiders.  I went out back in my yard to get a butterfly picture and ended up with this spider pictures.  I know most of us don't like spiders but I can't resist pictures of the webs.  I took the first two with my handy P ...

Gene Allen

Realty Consultant for Cary Real Estate
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