There are 172 HOMES FOR SALE IN CITRUS HEIGHTS CA 95621 as of June 20th 2010. The lowest home for sale is 76k and the highest home for sale is 299k. The overall days on market is 104 with an average price of home at 175k. The average price per square foot is 128. There are 38 short sales out of t...
How does the consumer choose the realtor that they want to work with? There are 285 REALTORS IN PLACER COUNTY listed in Activerain. Our office alone has 21 REALTORS IN ROCKLIN CA. All of these realtors feel pretty good about themselves, and they are all saying "I am great" "I am a area expert". ...
There are 94 HOMES FOR SALE IN SACRAMENTO CA zip code 95815. $49,900.0 is the lowest home for sale and $228,000.0 is the highest priced home for sale. The average price per square feet is 92. The average days on market is 104. The average price is $101,000.0. There are 17 short sale listings and ...
The ten year note rate just went down to 3.34%. It was 3.72% at the beginning of May. That translates into mortgage rates dropping about 4/10's of a percent since May. I am surprised about this because at the end of april the 10 year note rate was in the mid 3.8% range. It looked like that rate w...
I had a nightmare yesterday about the housing market in the SACRAMENTO CA AREA. Now that the buyer tax credit is over will the market in the first time buyer area hit a slow down. I know alot of renters think it is a great time to buy a house in SACRAMENTO but they just dont have the down payment...
Now that it is the end of March ,I figured I would go through the RANCHO CORDOVA end of month sales Statistics. There currently are 213 active listings in the 95670 zip code. The lowest active listing is 99k and the hightest active listing is 500k. The average price per square foot is $131.0 per ...
Why does the homebuyer care about the fact that the ten year note rate went up? Well mortgage rates are tied to the ten year note rate. The ten year not rate was 3.66% about 10 days ago. Now the average 30 yr fixed rate mortage has gone up by .15 percent in the last 10 days. If a person is using ...
I have a nice 4br 2ba home FOR RENT IN SURPRISE ARIZONA. It is 2300 sq ft built in 2002. It is available now to rent or rent to own. Large side gate for rv access. It rents for 1100 per month or 1300 per month on a rent to own contract. You can call Gordon at 916-261-2381 to view the house. PICTU...
Gone are the days when mr. realtor would tell his clients ' hey this property would make a great investment because I think it will appreciate'. A person should only invest in positive cash flowing properties. When looking at potential investment properties, find out what the potential monthly r...
The number of HOMES FOR SALE IN SACRAMENTO COUNTY for December 2009 was 3399. That was up slightly from November's 3268 homes for sale. The number of homes sold in December was 1450, and that was up slightly from November's number of 1437 homes sold. The number of pending homes sold in December w...