Should Faceboook be Part of Your Marketing Plan? It amazes me how many agents and other business people are overlooking Facebook. I am currently traveling in order to learn more about my market. I consult and handle referrals to and from Latin America. I left Wyoming and am now in Mexico. My...
I just noticed that I have a new neighbor. Normally this redhead is very shy but I did get this photo early this evening. Follow my blog as I give you tips and fun facts about Latin America, expatriates, relocation and making referral income. Latin America -- Isn't it about time yo...
Follow my blog as I give you tips and fun facts about Latin America, expatriates, relocation and making referral income. Latin America -- Isn't it about time you learned more about the opportunities for YOU? Viva Latin America If you are looking to...
I was excited to get a photo of these two fawns right after I took the photo of the big buck in the cemetery in Salt Lake City. I posted it earlier today and you can see him here: Fridays's Fotos -- A Big Surprise Follow my blog as I give you tips and fun facts about Latin America, ex...
I was recently at the VA Hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah and saw this magnificent buck in a cemetery which is just down the street. I was really amazed to see him there enjoying the big city. Follow my blog as I give you tips and fun facts about Latin America, expatriates, relocation and makin...
STEP #1 - GETTING TO KNOW EACH OTHER. More and more US and Canadian Citizens are purchasing property in Latin America. Purchasing real estate anywhere is a complex task and can be confusing and stressful. This is even more true for a Buyer who wants to purchase in another country. We believe...
Follow my blog as I give you tips and fun facts about Latin America, expatriates, relocation and making referral income. Latin America -- Isn't it about time you learned more about the opportunities for YOU? Viva Latin America If you are looking to...
Have you heard of KIVA? Many members of ActiveRain are helping by making micro-loans to people who need your help from all over the world. Get a free $25 Kiva trial but don't wait they are going fast. Today you can try it and make a difference for free with no future obligation (Of course, as I...
Have you posted to the new group in ActiveRain -- Wednesday Wordles? Have fun and create word clouds that you can use in your marketing materials. Watch for different ideas in the group and share some of your own. The images can be created at Then you can modify them with different ...
Here are three Wordles that you are free to use for your Valentine's Day cards or anywhere online. Or if you would rather receive a card, just send me your mailing (not e-mail) address and I will send you a real card. The text that I used for these Wordles was the poem How Do I Love Thee? by Eli...