A Year of Growing Rich:  Control Your Mental Attitude     This is the 31st week of a 52 week motivational journey and I want to invite you along.  Each week, I will touch on one of the chapters from Napoleon Hill's book titled  A Year of Growing Rich and subtitled "52 Steps to Achieving Life's Re...
          Follow my blog as I give you tips and fun facts about Latin America, expatriates, relocation and making referral income.                  Latin America --  Isn't it about time you learned more about the opportunities for YOU?                     Viva Latin America     If you are looking...
Not only can big dogs take a bite out of crime -- they can definitely take a bite out of your sales.  Years ago I had a great listing.  Great price and in a popular neighborhood.  My Sellers were wonderful. But they had two huge dogs. They were Pit Bulls.  The sellers insisted on keeping the dogs...
          Follow my blog as I give you tips and fun facts about Latin America, expatriates, relocation and making referral income.                  Latin America --  Isn't it about time you learned more about the opportunities for YOU?                     Viva Latin America     If you are looking...
              Follow my blog as I give you tips and fun facts about Latin America, expatriates, relocation and making referral income.                  Latin America --  Isn't it about time you learned more about the opportunities for YOU?                     Viva Latin America     If you are loo...
              Follow my blog as I give you tips and fun facts about Latin America, expatriates, relocation and making referral income.                  Latin America --  Isn't it about time you learned more about the opportunities for YOU?                     Viva Latin America     If you are loo...
You may not have realized it but the domestic turkey originated in the Yucatán in Mexico. The Aztecs had domestic turkeys before the Spanish arrived.  In fact the Spanish took turkeys to Europe and domestic turkeys even came back to the Americas with the Pilgrims. So today I am thankful to Mexico...
Cheryl Dickson is a Newbie and her posts are awesome.  I can't believe she has only been a Rainmaker for 11 days. Please go to her original post, leave a comment, view a few of her older posts and subscribe to her blog. I know that you will thank me for it. COMMENTS anyone????? Help!   My BLOG's ...
How would you like to find your Flickr account deleted without even a warning?  How could that happen? Do you use photos from Flickr in your posts? Do you keep your listing photos on Flickr? If you said yes to either question it could happen to you.  Last week I read a featured post recommending...
A Year of Growing Rich:  Be Optimisic     This is the 30th week of a 52 week motivational journey and I want to invite you along.  Each week, I will touch on one of the chapters from Napoleon Hill's book titled  A Year of Growing Rich and subtitled "52 Steps to Achieving Life's Rewards."     If y...

Gary Coles (Coaching)

Latin America Real Estate
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