The January real estate market in south Pickering kind of reflected the general mood of people around Durham Region. Let's stay home and wait out winter. There were 7 sales in South Pickering with a median price of $274,000.There can be no market trend statements here. There are still 39 activ...
North of the 401 in Pickering showed more activity than the South (it is a bigger district), but the activity was nothing to write home about.Only 55 of the 211 active listings sold in January, a hair over one quarter, in all of north Pickering. The median price was $283,000.The median price for...
The weather didn't keep Ajax buyers indoors for January. Ajax reported a more active January than December 2007. Pickering had the reverse market (a more active December).There were 286 new listings put on the market, adding to the 67 already there making 353 homes available for buyers. And 11...
In general, I will tell my clients that the weather sometimes will affect the market, particularly in the winter when looking at houses means trudging through snow banks and slush. The weather seemed a little confused in January. Maybe the home buyers were too.There were 6 sales in the Eagle Ri...
Looking at the national papers or even some of the more local papers, you might be thinking that the real estate market is a mess. The US housing market is in the tank and the Alberta Market is booming. Wait, the market in the US is not so bad according to the National Association of Realtors; ...
Good press, bad press. You can read a lot into what is being said about the real estate market. The best place to look is what is happening in your local market. That is the trend you want to watch.What is happening in Ajax?Ajax has a very diverse market. There are 2 bedroom war homes right u...
It has been quite a roller coaster ride for the real estate market this year, according to the press. Following national news and national trends can be deceiving when it comes to the local market. You need to know what is happening in the Pickering market to decide if the time is right for you...
The Toronto Real Estate Board has released the sales figures for November across the board. 2007 has already out sold every year previous. The previous best 2005 year saw 84,145 unit sales. By the end of the November, there have already been 88,695.House prices are continuing to rise year over...