Fran Rokicki Realty, LLC Blog

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Real Estate Broker/Owner - Fran Rokicki Realty, LLC
Positive thoughts and ideas about real estate and working through and with this changed market. Experience, education, service and results. That will be your win! Life is too short, enjoy yourself, everyday!
Yes, in our state of Connecticut, they are forecasting snow for tomorrow, Monday and Wednesday.  They are  suggesting, only one to two inches.  It will warm up and probably melt away, quickly.  We are just relieved that it's not twelve inches of snow, like we were experiencing through most of the...
I realize that we all become busy.  In today's technology, how hard is it to simply answer an email or a phone message.  Just let us know what you and your client's thought of the property.  I even offer an email system that will notify the agent of a survey, very short, to take about the propert...
Spring is a wonderful time of year, to experience renewal.  With the beginning of the new year, we all had a bit of a lift.  However, with all of the snow, cold, rain and in general, poor weather conditions, we lost some of that feeling.  Now, it's back!  Spring is only days away.  Here are some ...
03/19/2011   For more information and details, please feel free to contact Fran Rokicki Realty,LLC.  This home is a short sale and is ready to go!  Located conveniently, in Manchester, Ct, it is close to the highway, stores and is within walking dis...
Yesterday, I visited a few homes that were Broker Tours.  It was good to see the homes.  They were beautiful and very well maintained. It was good to see all of the agents who took the time to visit, a fellow Realtor's listing.  Hurrah for the Realtors that held the opens!   Thank you for your ti...
When I was a newbee, in the real estate business, my office took turns with the hotsheet expireds, every day.  Actually, we were assigned, by the Broker/Owner, which day was ours, in our office, to call and try to procure that listing.  I found that calling the listings and then, making an appoin...
We are in a Buyer's Market, when the listings take more than six months to close.  I have been seeing several reports and posts (here on the Rain), of much less than six months.  Does this mean that the market is turning?  Is it more local than country wide? I know that the foreclosures are holdi...
With the many changes to our profession, I have noticed that more agents are using combination and code lockboxes.  I, myself, turned in thrity-eight of the electronic lockboxes and then, replaced them with only eight. The ones that we turned in, used to freeze in the winter months and when it wa...
  Here's a website that is designed to help my clients find the best of the best businesses in Connecticut.  They must meet certain criteria and be highly recommended by my clients.  If you are in a jam for a good reference for something that you may need, feel free to chose one of these trusted ...
Our winter, in Connecticut, like most of New England, this year, was snow, after snow, after snow.  Thankfully, everyone made it through okay.  It will be a memory talked about for years to come.  For now, I am busy taking new photos of my listings.  Now, you can actually, see the homes and the l...

Frances C. Rokicki

smartphone(860) 983-5228
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