Frank Gallinelli's RealData Blog

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My thanks to Entrepreneur Magazine for the interview with me that they published in their July, 2009 issue.  The article is titled, "Real Estate's New Reality," and you can find it online at or in their print edition. My thanks to them also for plugging my latest book, ...
Our big news this month is about a major upgrade to one of our top software apps. Since 1983 income-property developers have been using "CID" to help them with project cost analyses and budget pro formas for build-and-hold as well as build-and-sell scenarios. So --- if you're developing an apartm...
Is it better to invest in residential property or commercial? I hear this question fairly often, and it should come as no surprise that there isn’t a one-word answer. You’ll arrive at your best choice – the one that maximizes your chances for success – by working through a decision process that i...
I was pleased to see that Commercial Investment Real Estate, the magazine of the CCIM Institute, featured my latest book, Mastering Real Estate Investment in their May/June 2009 issue Buyers Guide (p. 45). The piece is entitled "Beyond the Basics," and I think they were right on the money, so to ...
It's no secret that there are a lot of housing  and condo projects that are distressed and in need of a rescue. A common scenario we've been seeing is one where an investor is looking to purchase an entire project at a low price with the idea of renting existing units for several years, and then ...
Elsewhere in this blog, I've mentioned my latest book, Mastering Real Estate Investment: Examples, Metrics, and Case Studies -- a sequel of sorts to What Every Real Estate Investor Needs to Know About Cash Flow. FYI, my software company,, is running a promotion until March 15.  Buy a...
Breaking News! I will be teaching a new series of continuing education classes in real estate investment analysis. The first series will be held in Bridgeport, CT in March. For those of you who are familiar with my books, I will be covering many of the same topics I discuss in What Every Real Est...
A reader of one of my books wrote to me recently with a very worthwhile question. When we build a pro-forma analysis of future cash flows from a real estate investment, why do we annualize those cash flows instead dealing with them on a monthly basis? After all, rent is typically collected and bi...
Here is a fully-functional real estate calculator from RealData, and it's yours free. What's in it? The Free Edition includes a versatile Monthly Payment calculator, basic Amortization Schedule, Loan Comparison and Future Values calculator. If you're looking for more horsepower and a larger list ...
I'd like to invite you to download another sample chapter from my latest book, Mastering Real Estate Investment: Examples, Metrics and Case Studies.. The first section of the book is devoted to 37 key formulas that every real estate investor should understand and know how to use. This section is ...

Frank Gallinelli

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