I've just finished reading two articles. The writer of one article suggested that today's clients are not like those of previous generations and do not want our advice. The article ended with the writer saying that our approach to clients should be "It's your house. It's your money. What do you w
I recently remembered that I had learned years ago that the number 3 was especially significant. I learned this long before "Google it" was the buzz phrase for almost everyone, but "Google it" I did! I found a 28 page article on "The Symbolism and Spiritual Significance of the Number Three!" Afte
Remember the adages--"Third time is charm," and "Bad luck always comes in threes?" There's something about "three" that makes it different from other digits. When I Googled "The Symbolism and Spiritual Significance of the Number Three," the article that I chose to read had 29 pages!!!!!!! Perhaps
Yes, when I was a child, farm folks really sharpened their hoes and walked down long rows of cotton or corn, removing the weeds and thinning the plants. At the end of the growing season, those who had properly maintained the young plants realized a better harvest than those who had "laid by" thei
Do you tap your toes without even realizing it? Do you wish that you were still playing that clarinet or trumpet that has been idle for years? Do you sing in the church choir, but wish for a little more time with like-minded souls? Does either playing or listening to symphonic music "turn you on?
Today has been a blustery, winter-like April day in east Tennessee. Last week had breezy, spring-like days. As I drove along a curvy, two lane asphalt road one of those spring days, I met a car that stopped just as I approached. I slowed, wondering what was wrong. The driver of the other car, a
For years, our association of approximately 800 members, recognized top producing members by designating them as members of the "Million Dollar Club." Finally the leadership realized that we were sending the wrong message when we congratulated these agents with big spreads in the local press. A s
Last summer I showed a young couple a condo. They didn't buy that one, but did purchase another one. She called a few weeks ago asking if I knew anyone who might keep their soon-to-be-born baby while she worked part-time. Though I didn't have anyone to recommend to her, I was pleased to hear that