It's Heating Up. What's Your Strongest Asset? Mortgage interest rates are higher today than they were thirty days ago. Not by a lot, but it's worth paying attention. Also, April 1st, FHA is going to higher premiums, that will last the life of your loan. It will help the FHA do less business, and
"Better" than FHA? With upcoming changes on FHA mortgage products - monthly mortgage insurance payments NOT dropping off the loan, adjustments to mortgage insurance premium amounts, etc, the 3% down payment conventional loan product might be even more appealing than before. Learn about Ken Peder
Change the game plan! Sometimes you have to make tough decisions to make bigger strides. Are you willing to change your game plan to accomplish your goals? Also, bond prices declined over the last thirty days, so rates have inched up a little bit. They're still amazingly low, historically,
Who Are the Millenials and Why Should the Real Estate Industry be Paying Attention to Them? The Millenials are a huge demographic coming into the real estate market - approximately 21-31 years old, and the most highly educated generation yet. Tech savvy, Millenials like to do their own research,
BAM! Are you ready for 2013? Home sales are up. People are buying houses. Good stuff is coming this year! Are you ready for it? Realtor signup for our Realtor Summit Training Jan. 23rd:
Want to be more productive? Our next Realtor Summit Training Lunch and Learn is coming up January 23, 2013, and you won't want to miss it. We'll focus on how to become more productive in 2013 and reduce stress. Sign up at Also, congress extended being able
Wishing you a bright and successful 2013!
Where is your business going to come from in 2013? Ken Pederson gives 5 inexpensive ideas to stay in front of your clients and referral partners. Link:
Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus
Want to boost your results in 2013? Here are four quick steps to plan for a successful 2013. 1) Write down your goals 2) Share your goals with someone who truly wants you to succeed 3) Share your action plan 4) Weekly progress report. The link mentioned for Darren Hardy's planning tool: http://w