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Closing costs are one of those great mysteries of life that you don't seem to understand until after you've been through an actual closing -at which time it's certainly nice to know -- but wouldn't it be nicer to have understood a little sooner. Dan Hendricks wrote a great post on this subject ...
WHEW? That's a tough one. There are a million different components that go into the answer. The bottom line of it all, though, is pretty simple. There are many more houses on the market today than there were a while back.Real Estate is one of the few places you can go to witness a textbook defi...
More often than not, that’s the first question that a home seller asks themselves when deciding to sell. Having the right asking price is indeed, one of the most important factors in a successful home sale. One of the challenges is to make sure that the listed price you choose has some valid busi...
The math of whether you will make or lose money on the sale of your home is a simple calculation. Sometimes we complicate it with emotional issues that muddy the whole thing.Here’s how it works. The price you paid for you home + any capital improvements you made equals your basis. Capital improve...
The answer is quite simple – AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! There are number of good reasons to apply for what is known as a pre-approval at the very beginning of your home shopping process. First of all, if you don’t know how much of a mortgage you will be approved for, you really have no valid way of dec...
Certainly no one can say for sure what home prices will be 6 months, 1 year or 2 years from now. You can listen to 5 different industry pundits and hear 5 different predictions. In fact no one can say for sure that we haven't already "hit the bottom" and that the market is about to shift into an ...
This is an article from the North Country Real Estate news blog. Not sure how this would work in our area but it's an interesting read.Does Range Pricing Help Sell Homes?I'd love to hear if anyone has had any experience with this and the results.
NY Times September 23, 2007By AUSTAN GOOLSBEE ECONOMISTS and other humans don't always see eye to eye. "Economists tend to think people are crazy because they won't sell their houses for less than they paid for th...