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Real Estate Agent - ERNAL REAL ESTATE GROUP with Samson Properties - 626524
Whether you are in the market to buy a home in Washington DC,Virginia or Maryland,Want to know How much is my Washington DC,VA and/or MD House worth? Or you just want to schedule a home buyer consultation or listing appointment with me to sell your house quickly,for top dollars with less hassle possible,
20001 Howard U/Shaw DC Real Estate Market Report-October 2014                               Here are additional information that this Howard University/Shaw DC zip code 20001 Real Estate Market Report doesn't show Howard U/Shaw DC 20001 Total Sold Dollar Volume in October 2014 was $38,780,525. Th...
I locked the door with the keys inside the house-November Activerain contest-I cannot believe I just did that.   Well this happened around maybe June 2008. This is actually my first client who so happens to be one of my favorite people in the whole wide world. That person happens to be my brother...
If you can't call people today on Thanksgiving at least text them.   Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I'm sure many of you are A) Watching my San Francisco 49ers getting beat by the Seattle Seahawks,B)Too full from eating too much Turkey or C)Already in line to battle eager Holiday shoppers and start...
Call or text me at 202-378-0283 to find out more about the MMP Triple Play Program for PG County MD Home buyers.   INCEPTION: I'm not talking about the movie that started Leonardo dicaprio. Im talking about when this program started which was on 11/20/14.   AREAS/ZIPCODES:  Now notice I said this...
Will Mortgage rates under 4% get potential first time home buyers off the fence?   Realtor Magazine published an article last week called "Spread the Word: Mortgage Rates Below 4%"   Now while low interest rates can spark some people interest,I am not sure that it will get cautious home buyers of...
20018 Brentwood DC Lincoln Real Estate Market Report- October 2014   Four days away from Thanksgiving. There is a lot to be Thankful for. And if you are a Brentwood DC Home owner,you should be very thankful. Home values have increased from this time last year and homes are still selling quicker t...
Brookland DC | Catholic University Real Estate Market Report-October 2014  DC Real Estate Market is still a red hot Real Estate Market. According to an article published by Redfin,Brookland DC Real Estate is one of the top three real estate markets in the country to flip a property.    Here is th...
Petworth DC 20011 Real Estate Market Report-October 2014. In my recent Congress Heights DC 20032 Real Estate Market Report, I stated that an Washington Post online article titled DC REGION HOUSING MARKET IS STUCK IN DOLDRUM said that"Uncertainty about the economy has other buyers leery of making ...
20032 Congress Heights DC Real Estate Market Report-October 2014   According to an article in the Washington Post DC REGION HOUSING MARKET IS STUCK IN DOLDRUM it said "Uncertainty about the economy has other buyers leery of making large purchases". Guess the same thing can be said about "Congress...
20020 Anacostia DC Real Estate Market Report-October 2014. Anacostia DC Real Estate Market is not showing no signs of slowing down in housing activity even though we are nearing the end of the year. Though next month report could be a different story.     Three bedroom,one and a half bath Anacost...


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