We have all heard the things funny things that people have to say about men who drive sports cars:"He must be having a midlife crisis""He must have a low self esteem""He must have small reproductive parts (edited)"So why do we say these things? The base logic in all of these sayings, is that a ma
I love this site www.Section8Clothing.com , I gave one of these to my buyer and I thought he was going to wet himself, then he sent me 3 new clients, it paid off well. Very funny landlord T-shirtsEric Medemar specializes in real estate wholesaling, grand rapids foreclosures, and grand rapids rent
Please note: The content of the video, the actual topic that the story is not funny at all. The People on the other hand. Well you decide What is absolutely hilarious is the grandma that pops her head out of the plastic in the background, as if she is lost in her own home. You have to watch th
There are numerous reasons why investors never realize any success in real estate wholesaling. In this article I am going to focus on one step of the wholesaling process that so many investors get wrong. The sad part is that many of the guru wholesaling courses actually teach newbie investors the
Being a Realtor can be one of the most rewarding and highest paying jobs in the world. My old real estate broker used to tell me "Real estate can either be the highest paying easy job or the lowest paying difficult job". One of the major aspects of succeeding in the real estate business is time m
As Realtors many of us are all too familiar with termites. I have lost a couple of sales because a home was infested with termites. Why are termites so dangerous? After all they are just a small bug, what harm could one little bug do? As I am sure you know, it's not one termite that destroys a ho
One of the main reasons that people fail at any endeavor in life is that they fear failure, or fear the unknown. So many times new investors would rather live with a known bad situation, than put there neck out for an unknown outcome. Including outcomes that more often then not will end up better
It occurred to me one day that because humans have the ability to make their own decisions, we also have the ability to hold ourselves back. Many real estate investors that I know, have been held back their entire lives because of poor, or no decision making.I have a strong feeling that every cow
I have heard that the only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth. Are you truly in a rut or have you just piled up dirt all around yourself? Life is always going to throw dirt at you in one form or another. You can choose to keep throwing the dirt all around you, or start putting t
Eric Medemar is a Realtor/Real Estate Investor out of Grand Rapids, MI. Eric currently owns 35+ rental properties, and is the creator of the ultimate Wholesaling Real Estate system the programs that enables you to duplicate his exact real estate system. You can view Eric's Blog at Free Guide To W