Don't be a Goodenuffer A goodenuffer is the one who isn't really happy with their career, their relationships, or their life in general. Don't get me wrong they aren't sad either, but that's the dangerous part, they aren't sad enough to change anything, but not happy enough to be exited about the
A brief overview of my 2007 Goals I have never understood why 95% of people spend more time putting together a map of how to get to their vacation spot, than they do putting together the map that will shape their lives. Without goals you are essentially trying to put together a puzzle without hav
I don't know if you have heard the term "Mind like water", I have heard it a handful of times while growing up and just thought of the statement as some weird Mr.Miyagi (karate kids teacher) type statement. It turns out that the statement can be the perfect prescription for people and their probl
5:00 So I wake up this morning to run out and check out a cottage that I have just purchased out of foreclosure. When im done with it it will sell for about $80,000 and I got it for $24,000. I will maybe stick $10,000 into it. I could be happy with a $45,000 return, and I get to use a lake house
I am in a very slow market right now and buying could be very dangerous if you dont know what your doing, but I'm loving it. Where do you buy in a bad market? Easy answer, anywhere you can make money. I like the "bad areas" right now. Why, because most investors dont want to buy there. The nice p
I get email virtually every day from people who want to know where to find buyers for their wholesale deals. I see countless posts on here of people asking where to find buyers. So I figured I would put together most of the ideas that I have used or have seen used for finding buyers into a singl
"Thinking about Doing Real estate" Why Think, Just Do!I talk to endless amounts of people who have been thinking of getting into real estate their whole lives. Here is what you need to know. If you have been "thinking about getting into real estate" for more than a month or two, you are no longer
Are your frustrated with your progress so far in the real estate investment world? Why are you frustrated? Many first time investors seem to know everything, but do nothing. They spend countless hours reading books and taking courses and they never make it beyond that point. I would say roughly 9
Storybooking To Investment SuccessMany times in real estate or anything in life for that matter things can get a little overwhelming. I use storybooking to motivate and set the direction for anything that I would like to achieve. Storybooking is very similar to goal setting only many will find it
How do you make money with none? How do you make money with no credit? Wholesaling Shop for buyers before you shop for houses. Find buyers, then find deals, then bring them together using your buyers money. Ive done it, My buyers have done it, anybody can do it. It is honestly that easy DO NOT C